
How do you play a good game of paintball?

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Okay, basically I'm going to play paintball in a few weeks with my step dad against all these tough American guys who play professionally.

I've been a few times before, but I have a tendency to run in using up all by paintballs real quick. Is this the right technique? If anyone here plays professionally, could you please give me a few tips?





  1. Well there are a lot of guys who have a lot of different styles of playing so there isnt anything wrong with what your doing just make sure to have a lot of pods filled with ammo. But one thing about firing off a lot of shots is it leaves you vulnerable every time you reload so I suggest taking open shots not shots with a small percentage of hit.

  2. move quick from cover to cover. Comunicate alot.  Buy pods so you can fire alot.  Use pop shots (quick burst with little exposure), Lean out, dont step out


  3. Using all the paintballs you want is fine. Something that would compliment your playing style is a pod pack with larger pods and a speed feed long as you have paint to burn you'll be fine.

  4. Move in slowly taking cover often, dont shoot too fast, only take shots you think will hit, unless your giving cover fire.

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