
How do you play as a team?

by Guest34082  |  earlier

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I want people's ideas as to how to play as a team. What do you do when you are down? What do you do to play together? What do you do to get your team to bond before, and during the game and off the court to bond as a team, and how does it change your team and individual play? Lastly, how do you think playing as a team, as opposed to playing as a group of individuals, changes how you act and play during a game?




  1. every year on my varsity volleyball team, attitudes and opinions take a hard toll during the district season, as well as play offs. We have lost too many games by beating ourselves and not by actually losing to the other teams. When you are down, you can't dwell on it. In volleyball, come up with cheers and clap or stomp in the middle, as well as the girls on the sidelines. Playing together comes with practice and the motivation to compromise to one another. Bonding before the season comes with going to open gym together, and also doing non sports related activities. This requires for everyone to be included. During the game, always talk to one another, and keep the spirit high. As a team, when all of these components come together, if works for everyone. When the team is feeling great, they team is PLAYING great. When you are down, even if you are playing a team that is not as good as you are, you can fail due to your own mental mistakes. Individual play is determined by team play, as there is no i in team. Playing for others is way different than playing for only yourself, as you have others depending on you to do your part. I hope this helps and your team goes far!


  2. easy.  when your team isnt playing good, or a person isnt playing good, tell them to shake it off, and maybe that will calm them down.

    shaking it off will tell them to forget that just happened, dont worry about it, and encourage them when they play.

    to play together, ALWAYS call the ball. "MINE! OUT! SHORT!"   words that you should NEVER  say are, YOURS! AND NOT MINE!  they are not in your dictionary. if its some one else's they should call it, not you.

    to bond? hm, just be friends, encourage eachother, and just laugh at each other, when they make jokes or something, and i know it might sound corny, but just be like, ily huni! great job! and give them a hug when ever u want to, or when they did a good  job.

    playing as a team is different because you guys are a TEAM not a group of individuals. you guys are ONE on the court, and eachother's BEST FRIENDS off the court.

  3. have team dinners

    once a week at everyones house.

    and get in a circle and talk about what you have problems with. try not to hurt anyones feelings!

  4. Me and my Volleyball team were so close, we called plays without even speaking, or giving hand signals, we all just sort of knew what to do.... Most of us have been close friends since elementary school.

    its all about chemistry, practice hard together, give each other tips and advice, soon you will learn what to expect out of each other...

    if you play Volleyball and your team is dysfunctional, you've already lost..

  5. im not quite sure how to answer ur first few questions, but ill try.

    ok i get ur first question. when ur team is playing poorly or if u are losing in the current game, just be encouraging and tell them things that might help. for ex, if someone is just standing there and it is causing them to miss the ball, tell them to move, or if someone isnt calling the ball, tell them to call the ball so we know its theirs. its ok if u mess up, everybody probably will at least once or twice. try not to get too frustrated at a certain person if their causing the team to lose, especially if their not doing it on purpose. i just like to tell people what they can do to help us win today's game and i try to be a good friend by giving advice.

    i dont understand what u do when ur down, do you mean that when your not playing or when ur being rotated in? if thats the case, then you just sit courtside and if you have team spirit you can cheer for your teammates! but when people cheer for me, i usually mess up cause i get nervous. but thats just me.

    to play together, you should just communicate to others if people are not calling the ball such as "mine" or "i got it", but make sure ur communicating at the right time! dont go talking when someone else on the other team is serving, you may cause a lose to ur team. there are usually 6 people on a court, a setter, one on the left, one behind the left, center, one on the right, and one behind the right. the one behind the right is also usually the server.

    idk how to answer how to bond with ur team, i just try to be optimistic and to say good try if they mess up and to encourage them. i mean, we're a team so we work together and we're all friends so its fun to play games together. if u mess up at one point, dont go too hard on urself, just understand that pratice makes perfect. learn from ur lessons.

    i think that playing as a team changes how you act and play during a game, because you are probably more experienced with the setting and everything. if your playing as a group of individuals such as a clinic like i did several years ago, you basically learn skills and tactics. sometimes they do a practice round or a game of scrimmage for fun, but then you dont get those rules of volleyball in the real world applied. personally, i like playing on a team much better, but again, thats just me. sorry for influencing you if i am.

    hope this answers ur question!


  6. You really need to pump each other up

    Hang out on and off the court

    Encourage each other

    Know how each other plays so that you can react to whatever they do

  7. What do you do when you are down?

    You get your team back up again and tell them to go out and try to lets see what happens if they give it all they got once more.

    What do you do to play together?

    You feed off the collective motivations and energies to win and you do your best to uphold both the team's and your intentions to be successful. Each game is a chance to show your teammates that you are a serious player, take them into account to uphold team values, and that you want them to work together to make the games fun, that way winning becomes fun, not just the reason why its called a v.s. competition.

    What do you do to get your team to bond before, and during the game and off the court to bond as a team, and how does it change your team and individual play?

          You begin by getting to know one another outside the court and make friends with each other first. That way, you will not only know the person by their position or abilities but by a name that you will be able to call on and help out - works vice versa you just have to really want to make friends not team members... that comes later.

    During the game, you want to focus on getting to know each players strengths and see how they play so that you can guage your movements, tactic, position etc... Before you know it, just by eyes or body movements you will be communicating. communication is key and make sure you guys have the same goal in mind. Be careful for those that do not want to share or are glory hogs because they can make any team efforts ineffective.

    After the game, enjoy the bonding that comes from a well done victory and also accept that if you lost, you lost as a team. Refrain from commenting on one particular play or individual but talk amongst eachother inclusively - not just " i did this and, you did this so we won. Instead focus on making citing team efforts that were successful and times congratulate the team.

    If you are team captain, focus on making sure that all team players share responsibility for both wins and losses, but be careful that you don't blame them to the point of inciting anger or favoritism. Keep criticism constructive as you are a leader and leaders motivate - not put down.

    Lastly, how do you think playing as a team, as opposed to playing as a group of individuals, changes how you act and play during a game?

            If you are influenced by the comradeship displayed by working together to accomplish goals and tasks, both on the court and in personal life, it will be easier for you to form "teams" wherever you go and your life will so much better. Every aspect of business and social life revolves around teams even if they are not known by that title so make sure you apply team work to all aspects of life so you can have that as an asset to your persona.

  8. For my team, I'm the motivation. I'm always giving everyone positive thinking strategies. Of course, everyone has strategies to win the game. But, you have to think before you do. When we are down, we just need some motivation. To play as a team, we ask for input from everyone as to what we are doing wrong. The point to that is to not blame it on someone, but look at it as a team and be open-minded toward suggestions. Playing as a team has MANY positive effects on your game. When everyone is in unison and works together, it pushes for more. The first time my team got a kill (ever) I felt so much unity. It rocked.

  9. When we are down: Call a time out. Everybody takes a breath to clear their heads and reset their mind set. We go back out with a clear and focused mind.

    Playing together: Don't really understand this question.

    Team bonding: The individuals on the team have earned their place on that team. Because they have earned it, each player has a respect for the others. They worked hard to get to where they are and to remain there their team has to perform together at a high level before and during every game..

    Team and Individual: Every time a player improves, the team improves.

    Lastly: Team sports is one of the greatest of all inventions. To work as a team means you must think and to be of service to others. If you learn to see a need and fulfill that need, you are building character and life skill that will help you the rest of your life.

  10. team sleepovers help a lot, speccially if theres one team member "outcast" haha that jstu doesnt socialize well, for good teamwork to happen youve gotta like eachother, and be friends.

  11. all the players work together not against each other and not be a ball hog

  12. I think the perfect way to keep them together as a team, the most important thing is they have to realize that they're now in a team. So, they can't rely on their own skills. When a team member down, usually other members will scold him/her or give that kind of "look", instead, they should say, "it's okay, just keep focus" and any other positive words.

    Also, practicing can also improved their play as a team. Not only in skills because they become used to play together, but also their feeling toward each other may be deeper than as a team member. So, yeah.

  13. great question, i think that when a player is down everyone should go to the person and tell him its alright and also to shake it off and get the next play. for all your other questions it reminds me of my own team, we can play great during a match and but once we start to slump, the morale goes down, some start to yell which doesnt seem to help more than half the time. i guess what you have to do is try to have everyone focused all the time and play hard on every play not just for themselves but for there teamates as well.

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