
How do you play hearts with more than four people?

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I heard there was a "double hearts" version where you played with two decks and eight people.




  1. You can't really play it with two decks . . . but my family plays it w/ more than 4 people. You just deal out an even amount of cards, and whatever's left is the kitty. Playing with two decks would get too complicated, and 'not as fun. The original hearts is still great fun with more than four people

  2. I have had a lot of experience playing Hearts with more than four people. The following are not official rules; the official game is played with exactly four people. I give you these house rules we devised to help you play with more than four people if you wish.

    If you play with five people, take the trey of diamonds and the trey of clubs out of a single deck. Each player gets dealt ten cards. Play proceeds as normal after that.

    With six or more players, use two decks. Replace one of the deuces of clubs with a Joker. After everyone has passed, the Joker leads. The Joker is treated like a deuce of clubs, and everyone must "follow suit" by playing a club, if possible. If two players play the high card on a trick, the first player to play that card takes the trick. Instead of playing to 100 points, play to 200. Otherwise, play proceeds as normal, except for the following:

    With six players, take out the remaining deuce of clubs and one of the treys of clubs. Each player is dealt seventeen cards. Pass four cards instead of three.

    With seven cards, take a deuce and trey each of clubs, diamonds and spades out of the deck (a total of six cards). Each player is dealt fourteen cards. Pass four cards instead of three.

    With eight players, all 104 cards are used. Each player is dealt thirteen cards.

    With nine players, take out a deuce and trey of clubs, a deuce and trey of diamonds, and a deuce of spades. Each player is dealt eleven cards.

    With ten players, take out a deuce and trey each of clubs and diamonds. Each player is dealt ten cards.

    I would not recommend playing with more than ten players. Keeping track of who passes to whom is already a nightmare at this point. If you have more than ten players, it's time to divide into two or more groups.

    When passing, start by passing one position to your left, then one position to your right, then two left, then two right, etc. until each player has passed to all other players. Insert a hold hand (optional), then repeat the sequence.

    Good luck. - LJS

  3. u cant

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