
How do you play minesweeper?

by  |  earlier

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I just don't know the rules

and what do those numbers mean? (numbers that appear when you click on a tile.)




  1. The object is to find all the mines as fast as you can.  You do that by using the clues - the numbers on revealed tiles.  The numbers show how many mines are in the 8 squares surrounding that tile (up, down, left, right, and diagonals).  To mark a tile as having a mine, right-click it to place a flag there.

  2. Imagine a tic tac toe box.  This is what you are looking at when you see the grid.  You need to have tunnel vision!  so look at the middle square of the tic tac toe grid. suppose its the common 1.  This means that only 1 bomb is in the surrounding 8 squares.  You must then use information from other surrounding grids to complete the puzzle. When you're confident you've located a bomb, right click on it and it will be marked so with a red flag.  There's also question marks (found by right clicking twice) but I personally don't recommend using them as they make things more confusing, but maybe it will work for you...  Try the beginners level until you become comfortable with the techniques.

    Then you can move on the intermediate.  I am an avid Minesweeper player but I can not seem to complete Expert Level successfully.

    It's a really fun game based on time scores.  As you get better you will begin to win yourself.  Good Luck but beware!  It can be very addictive!!

  3. Study the pattern, figure it out.

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