
How do you play pictionary?

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How do you play pictionary?




  1. it's easy :

    1. U must be in team of two or more

    2. choose one person per team to draw ( one diffrent each time)

    3. The two person that you choose have to turn ONE card (the same one) and read what wrote on it

    4. They have to draw what wrote on the card (ex: bunny ... they draw a bunny )

    5. Each team has to look on their paper and try to find what their drawing before the other team !

    6 .you star back !

    Hope I helped U

  2. pick a card and draw the picture it tells you, the colour your plastic man is on is the colour you must chose. make your teams guess what you are drawing and win a point

  3. 1 person draws a picture and then everyone else trys to guess what your drawing is.

  4. you have to draw a picture. BUT you can not say anything. The other people have to guess. But the one way you can help them is to give them a category. Say I am drawing a dog. I won't tell them that, right? But I will tell them that it is a animal.

  5. you have teams. your team-mate has to correctly guess what your are drawing before the timer rounds out. if you get it right you get to move your piece and go again. all play means that both teams play at the same and try to guess what their team-mate is drawing...

    fun game =]

  6. have two or more teams of 2 or more

    One person draw while the other in his team guess

    iF THEY guess before time they roll and play again with another drawer.

    If wrong the next team goes.  

    All play one from each team draw while the other try to guess

    first to win a turn and a roll of the dice.

  7. ok.. its like playing inklink on shockwave

    u hav either 2 ppl or 2 teams or 3vs1 or 4vs1 and so on.. and 1 person draws a picture.. while everyone guessses.. no letters.. no numbers.. and the person who wins  gets to draw

    u pick what to draw by thinking it in your head or makin up some on paper and picking from a hat..

  8. Steps


    Step One

    Divide the players into teams.


    Step Two

    Name a permanent "picturist" if you have only three players. He will draw all the clues for the other two players.


    Step Three

    Have each team select a picturist to do the drawing for the first word if you have four or more players. This duty rotates to all players in turn. The remaining team members try to guess the word being drawn.


    Step Four

    Have each team place a playing piece in the start square on the board. Roll the die to see who gets the highest roll to go first.


    Step Five

    Let the beginning team's picturist select the first card. She has only 5 seconds to study the word she will sketch.


    Step Six

    Start the timer, and give the picturist 60 seconds to sketch clues for her teammates.


    Step Seven

    Allow the picturist's teammates to try guessing the word for the full 60 seconds as long as the picturist draws no words, letters or numbers and uses no body gestures.


    Step Eight

    Have a successful team that has identified the word within the time limit roll the die. The team moves ahead on the board by the number of spaces indicated on the die.


    Step Nine

    Let the same team then select the next card and continue with a new picturist. Only when the time expires before a word is identified does play rotate to the left to another team.


    Step Ten

    Continue play until a team wins by landing on the finish square and identifying the word selected.

    Tips & Warnings

        * Each card lists different words in five categories. The correct word to be sketched is determined by the location on the board of the team's playing piece.

        * If the playing piece is on a space marked "All Play" or if the word to be sketched is marked as an "All Play" word (with a triangle mark beside it on the card), then all teams sketch and guess at the same time to see who gets it first.

        * The die is not rolled at the beginning of a turn. It is rolled at the end, only when a word is successfully guessed. A turn begins with the selection of a card.

        * A playing piece must stay on the same square as long as its team does not identify the given word.

        * The picturist duties rotate to a new player on your team every time the team must sketch.

        * There are different versions of Pictionary, including Pictionary Junior for ages 7 to 11 and Pictionary on CD-ROM, which can be played solo or over the Internet. See Related Sites and Things You'll Need.

        * In special "All Play" situations a picturist from each team gets to look at the word and sketch it for his teammates. All teams do this simultaneously, and the first team to identify it wins the word. Winning the "All Play" situations is very important since you are competing against everyone at the same time. And since the normal rotation of play may be changed, you might miss a turn if the team to your left wins the word.

  9. 1.               Break into two teams.

    2.             Each team forms a line.

    3.             Teams flip for first turn.

    4.             Student at the front of the line goes up to board and gets a word.

    5.             Student may draw on the board or gesture or point -- but may not talk!

    6.             Student may not draw letters or numbers.

    7.             Student’s own team tries to guess the word within twenty seconds.

    8.             If they cannot guess in twenty seconds, the other team gets to try.


    To identify through sketched clues as many words as necessary to advance to the finish square, and correctly identify the final word. Sketches may NOT include letters, numbers or the # symbol.


  12. you draw a picture and people have to guess what u drew

  13. It is an easy game to learn and play, and can be a lot of fun, especially with a group  of people for teams.  This is a great word-guessing game with pictures you draw as the clues for your team partners. You don't need to be an artist to draw in this game, where the originality of the players creates a lot of fun. You will need at least three people to play the board game version.  We have often played it sort of like Taboo, and not as a board game.  Here are a couple of helpful llinks.

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