
How do you play poker?

by  |  earlier

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can anybody tell me how to play texas hold 'em poker




  1. You would have to specify which type of poker.  There are several different types ie: Texas Hold Em, 5 card stud, 7 card stud and so on.  So we would need a little more info as to which type you are wanting to learn.

  2. There are a lot of  different kinds of poker, any idea on which one you want to know about?

    I can tell you the basics... 1st each player is dealt two cards only they get to see..then they bet on how well they think those two cards will can either bet..check..which means not bet but not fold..and let your opponents bet if they are going to..or fold..which means you throw away your hand..if you check..and someone can either call..which means to match  their bet..or raise which means to bet more than they do..and they will have to call your bet to stay in the hand..or you can fold..after the round of betting is complete..the first three community cards are dealt face up in the middle of the table..these are called the flop..these cards are used by everyone playing  along with their cards to make the best example would be if you were dealt 9,8 and the flop was 8,J, now have a pair of 8's..and another round of betting takes place much like the first round, after that round of betting is done another community card is dealt face up on the table..lets say it was another would now have two pair 8's and 4's..and another round of betting takes place..then one final community card is dealt face up..let's say a still have two pair 8's and 4's with a Jack kicker...another round of betting takes place then you show your hand to whoever is left in the hand..the best 5 card hand wins. I will list the hands rank in order lowest to highest

    High card..if no one has a better hand who ever has the highest card wins..ace is the highest card,then king,then queen, etc...these cards will determine your Kicker(s) in other hands

    Pair..two cards of equal value in a hand..the bigger the value of the card the bigger the pair..meaning a pair of aces beats a pair of kings..kicker(s) break a tie

    Two Pair- exactly what it sounds like, kicker breaks a tie

    Three of a kind- Three cards of equal value in a hand kicker(s) breaks a tie.

    Straight- 5 cards in order, suite doesn't matter example 5,6,7,8,9 again highest card straight wins so 10,J,Q,K,A is the best straight possible

    Flush- 5 cards of the same suite in any order, the highest card flush is the best flush, if the highest card is shared it goes to the net highest card til a tie is broken.

    Full House- three of a kind and a pair within one hand example 8,8,8 & 7,7..called eights over sevens..who ever has the higher over cards wins so A,A,A & K,K would beat K,K,K & A,A..if the over cards are equal compare the under cards (the cards in the pair) so A,A,A & J,J would beat A,A,A & 8,8.

    Four of a kind- four cards of equal value in a hand..kicker breaks a tie

    Straight Flush- 5 cards of the same suite in order.(example)..5,6,7,8,9 of diamonds the higher the cards value the higher the hand.. the best possible hand in poker is called the Royal Flush it is a straight flush consisting of 10,J,Q,K,A of the same suite.

    Any ties result in a split pot between those involved in the tie.

    Hope this helps.
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