
How do you play racket ball?

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I want learn how to play racket ball




  1. The best way to learn the game is join a club and talk to the racquetball pro..  I am a certified AmPro instructor from Pennsylvania.  I can take you from knowing zero about racquetball to a ten in exactly one month, if you have any since of playing at all..  It is a wonderful game...  And needs your players...   Good luck..  Grant m IN PENNSYLVANIA.....

  2. The biggest requirement is a racket ball court.  It's rectangular in shape 20 feet wide, 40 feet long and 20 feet high.  You serve the ball toward the front wall, and volley it between two, three or four players.  Its a fun, technical fast-paced sport.  You hold the racket as if shaking hands with the surface of the racket paralle to the front wall.  Most of the force used in a racketball swing comes from a wrist snap, rather than a shoulder movement.  The official rulebook is link to below.

  3. try this site

  4. Racquetball is a racquet sport played with a hollow rubber ball in an indoor or outdoor court. Joe Sobek invented the sport in 1948, incorporating rules from squash and handball. Unlike most racquet sports, such as tennis or badminton, the court's walls, floor, and ceiling are legal playing surfaces, rather than out-of-bounds.

    Normally, a racquetball game is played between two opposing players, though three- and four-player variations exist. Two-player games are called singles or "one-up" (1-on-1 for the entire game); three-player games are called "Ironman" or "Cut-throat" (2-on-1 for the entire game) wherein each player take turns serving to the other two; the "California" variation is a 3-player game wherein it is played as a three-way singles game, except that the player losing the point remains in the back court while the other two play the next point; the four-player game is called "doubles" and played as teams.

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