
How do you play rugby???

by  |  earlier

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ok so like my mom wants to put me in rugby but i dont know how to play.

so i need some pointers

and the only reason she wants to put me in is because i am big stronge and can plow threw people.




  1. go for it. it's not that difficult, and is also well known for being a sport with a good social side as well. there isn't the same antagonism between teams - the competition is on the field not off it. - i assume you're in US if not just google rugby union to find the organisation where you are

  2. my love for rugby is struggling.

  3. hey i'm a girl and i play rugby too.

    you looking for rugby union, rugby league or rugby touch?

    personally i love rugby union and rugby touch. but rugby league and rugby touch ARE similar. rugby league is a tackle version of touch. but rugby union rocks. all are easy to learn.

    well course you need good throwing and catching skills. and learn how to tackle. do you have any guy friends or a brother? sure they'll be happy to help. rugby's great i love it, hope what i've said has helped and you enjoy it =]

    umm is pos could you please help me out. i need school house(blue,red,green,yellow) cheers/chants for house competitions and that. thanks :)

  4. you can pick up alot off watching it live off tele or maybe looking it up on wiki

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