
How do you politely decline someones offer of food because of it's ingredients eg:eggs/milk in a birthday cake

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How do you politely decline someones offer of food because of it's ingredients eg:eggs/milk in a birthday cake




  1. Smile and say "no thank you". Well at least that doesnt sound rude to me.

  2. Just say no thank you or say that you just can't because you are full. You could say that your stomach hurts too. I wouldn't go into big explanations about it. It they insist, then take it to go and don't eat it.

  3. " I'm sorry I'm on a restricted diet."

    " I'm allergic, but I really appreciate your gesture."

    " I literally just ate and I'm not hungry."

    " No thank you, I'm trying to cut back on sweets/treats/candy/etc."

    " I'm so sorry, my doctor put me on a restricted diet since I've been having allergic reactions."

    " Thanks so much, I'll eat it later," ---> Take it with you on a paper plate and give it to a friend, sibling, family member, cousin, or anyone else that might not want it.

  4. No thank you, I am vegan.

    No thank you, I am allergic.

    No thank you, I am on a diet.

    No thanks.

    No thanks, I rather not consume animal products because (your reasons here).

  5. "No thank you."

  6. Just say "no thank you”, this should suffice.

    If they push, just say I can't / won't eat eggs & milk because..........

    I have an allergy to them

    I don't like them

    I am a vegetarian/vegan

    etc...whatever your reason is...

    If somebody is really pushing and simply won’t take no for an answer, just say that you have developed an allergy to eggs/milk.

    And if you consume them you are likely to have an allergy reaction and may have to attend hospital to have an inoculation or have your stomach pumped

    ......and they wouldn’t want that on their consciousness would they.


  7. 1. tell them you are allergic.

    2. you are not hungry.

    3. you feel sick/full/bloated whatever.

  8. "no thank you" with a small smile. you shouldn't have to explain....

  9. "no thank you, I don't eat eggs/milk. It looks great though"

    life can be simple, if you are in polite company there is no need to over analyse what to say. Keep it simple

  10. You can just say no thank you and just say that you aren't hungry or that you don't eat sweets.  You don't owe anyone an explanation.  You can even just say no thank you.

  11. This is where you really learn who your friends are.  People with health conditions go through this all the time... "Just a little won't hurt, etc."  People with certain convictions experience it as well.  Too much info is bad, something clear and concise is best.  A simple 'No thank you' is okay.  Another suggestion is 'No thank you, but I could use some more *name that food*'.  ;-)

  12. Lots of people do not eat cake.  Just say "No, thank you".  You don't have to give a reason.

  13. you dont have to give your specific reasons, "no,thank you" with an apologetic smile should suffice.

  14. As someone who isn't opposed to eating eggs and milk, I still turn down birthday cake 50% of the time because of the excess of simple carbs in it. (Simple carbs at the wrong times of day is the thing most likely to make you gain fat.)

    I just say "No thanks." and nobody bothers me further, except with a possible polite "Are you sure?" I say "Yup." and that's the end of it.

  15. just say, 'no thankyou:)'

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