last year everyone used me.
people would just grab my homework and start copying when they didnt do it last night
when i correct homework then say i have to give them a 100%
when there is a test people steal my study guides or they demand i print a copy for them
i get frequent calls on how to do our homework (mostly "what are the answers"), i eventually changed my voicemail so it sounds like i changed my phone number.
if i have 2nd period math and someone has 4th, they ask me what are the questions/answers to the math test
during english when people need a conclusion paragraph or something and we have to turn something in NOW, i write one for them, then the teacher compliments THEM when she reads them and that person acts like she was a genius
people ask me to do drawings in projects and stuff becuase they claim they suck but um i kind of have a life and need to finish my project too?
i frequently rewrite my friend's essays (they are really bad) but she doesnt seem to remember or care... i kind of ditched her since she used me so much xD
looking back at all this I admit i was a stupid idiot to be such a pushover, but people are still going to bother me next year, i need a way to tell them to eff off.
i mean i don't mind helping people but i kind of think i'm helping them cheat by doing their work and i hate cheaters..