
How do you potty train a 2 year old boy?

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I babysit my 2 year old nephew every week day from 9am-4pm. My mother is raising him and I think it would really help her out if I potty trained him (he turned 2 on March 3rd). I just have no clue how to go about it. Do I teach him to do it sitting down or standing up? Do I get him his own little toilet or just get the little seats that go inside the big toilet? He is afraid of the toilet. Would it help if I had my boyfriend show him how it is used? LOL I have lots of questions! I better get this down now because I have a little boy due in a month!




  1. you can teac them sitting down or standing up but if you stand him up get him like a little stool to stand on and my aunt put cherrios in the toliet and would tell her boys to hit it like a target good luck i hope it works out for you.

  2. I would sit him down on his own little potty. You can make it fun by cutting out pictures of funny faces or put cheerios in the bottom of the potty and tell him to "sink" them with his pee pee. Kids find this fun and a great encouragement to sit on the potty. When he's comfortable enough, then you can stand him up and make him aim. Good luck.

  3. there is this book i loved called - everyone poops. im serious. lol. they use it at the daycare i work at to help children realize that the toilet isnt something to b afraid of, its somthing to be proud of when you use it. lol. Also teach him sitting at first in a little toilet. Once he is tall enough move him to a regular one and explain that he must now stand

  4. I have five kids and each one was a delight to potty train. Why? I think it was because it was not a power struggle. Either they obeyed me when I said, "DON'T pee on the floor", or they had serious trouble. I waited until I knew they were ready. I knew this because they could understand me when I told them what to do/not to do. I also knew they were able to hold it until they got to the potty/ When I was sure of these things, I had no mercy. My kids were all trained in two weeks, except one that took 3 and a half weeks.

    Here are my tips:

    Do NOT use diapers or pull ups during the potty training process. This only confuses the child an prolongs any progress

    You may have to use pull ups at night time for a few extra weeks, but using them during the day is a complete waste of time and money.

    ~ Let the child be naked from the waist down (if you can stand it). This allows him/her to notice that their is actually something coming out of his/he body and it will help him/her to understand what you mean when you say, "Put the pee in the potty". They might not have ever noticed that wet stuff actually comes out of their body and seeing it will help.

    Also, not wearing pants or anything reminds them they are to go to the potty

    ~ Keep the potty chair in the main living area for a few days. That way it's close by, and everytime he/she starts to pee, you can easily get to the potty and sit him down (even if he's already finished on the floor).

    ~I never used a reward for going potty. I can't say that I am completely against it, but I do feel that lots of praise and hugs ad smiles and cheering is enough of an award. We even went so far as to carry the potty around the house to show everyone, "Look what _did!!"

    ~Do not let your child set the rules with potty training. Many people will tell you "don't push it"....PHOOEY. Just as we as parents should 'push' our children to do the right thing in other situations (say please, don't hit, apologize...), we should 'push' them to use the potty when they are able. If you leave it to a child, why would he want to give himself more work when he's only 2 or 3? He is ABLE to go potty at 1 and a half or 2, why shouldn't we 'push' it? It worked for all of mine!

    My own daughter was potty trained for peeing really soon, but the pooping was also taking her awhile. She kept going to p**p on her brother's bedroom floor!! Anyway, I just used the same methods I had ben using for the peeing. I knew she knew right from wrong on this matter because she understood me when I said "don't p**p on the floor", and I knew she was deliberately choosing to disobey. So she got a spanking. This is the way we deal with disobedience in our house. You may deal with it differently and thats okay, so long as you DO deal with it.

    Years ago, before this new generation of "experts" came in to play, our grandmothers had our parents potty trained at 1 and a half or even younger. Thta's becuase they "pushed" the issue. Maybe we should take our que from them!

    So yes, push the issue. If your sure he/she understands, then set the boundaries and stick to it!

  5. Throw some cheerios in the toilet and tell him to sink them.......My son loved this game and he always wanted to go potty. Tell him everytime he has to pee he gets to sink the cheerios! Make a game of

    Hope this helps!

  6. I was also wondering this same thing except for my son is only 14 months old so i still have a little time yet.

  7. get him a special seat. that you can put on top of a toliet.. you can guy one at like walmart im sure.. and than get his favorite candy and put them in a cup up high so he cant get them.. and than everytime if he goes to the bathroom give him a little piece of candy..

    he will catch on if he uses the potty he will get rewarded..

    thats how i potty trained by 2 year old brother.

  8. I don't have a little boy but I 5 brothers and 9 nephews. My mom tought all of my brothers how to potty by sitting down backwards on the toilet they didnt do the whole standing thing until they were older. They learned fairly quick and she didnt have any trouble out of them. But she also waited until they were ready. I hope this helps :)

  9. I just potty trianed my son so I know how you feel.  Make sure he is ready for it.  Don't try and make him do it if he doesn't want to.  For example my son was scared of the toilet for a long time until I go him his own little chair.  I made him sit on it until he went.  I gave him a ton of juice to fill up his bladder and put his seat in front of the TV.  When he needed to go I would go sit buy him and show him where to go potty.  If you can catch him going and have him watch, that is a BIG step.  Cause it makes them realize what they are doing.  Once my son that he never had another accident again.  I realize every child is different so just make sure he is comfortable about doing it.  Good luck!!  (It's so much nicer once they are out of diapers, and CHEAPER!!!)  :)

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