
How do you potty train a ferret?

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How do you potty train a ferret?




  1. I have a ferret that is potty trained.

    My step-dad taught her how.

    We have this big cage that sits on the

    floor and we open the door and she can run around

    the house. He taught her just like youd teach a dog.

    If the ferret goes to the bathroom on the floor we'd

    pick her up and bring it to her and show her it and tell

    her no and put her bak in the cage. After a while she learned

    not to go on the floor.


    i hope this helps

  3. l0l idk but i think you need pros for that. they know best

  4. well first place it where it needs to be if your ferret poops anywhere but the litter box thing move the p**p into the litter and pick and place your ferret in the litter box every once in  a while that should give him/her the message

  5. You have to get some ferret pull ups from your local pet shop. Good Luck!

  6. when ever it need to take a ****, put it on ur dunny seat and let yo ferret express it self via shitting.  

  7. I put blankets on every level with pillowcases on the shelves so that the whole cage was like a bed to them. They never had an accident and I got my first one at 1 1/2 old my second 2 as kits both at 8 weeks old.

    You need a litter box like this

    Or this

    Mine hate their corner one and won't use it so I don't give it to them anymore. (It came with my first ferret)

    Use litter like this


    Or this is my favorite yesterday's news ferret litter (make sure to get the ferret kind)

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