
How do you potty train a rat?

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And what other tricks can i teach them and how?

thanks in advance.




  1. I assume you mean litter train? Try the following pages on litter training:

    Scroll down to the bottom of this page, there is a good article called Trick Training:

  2. Rats pretty much have a set area where they prefer to go potty, anyway, so really all you have to do is observe and figure out where they go the most.

    Once you've done that, you put a litter box in that particular spot. You should also add some of their previous poops to the litter box so they get what it's for. When you see them using it, praise them and give them a nice treat! :]

    It's not much more difficult than that! :P They'll likely still have some accidents, but eventually they'll be going mostly in the box. Just make sure to have it available during free range time, too! :}

    EDIT: & here is a great trick site, too. ;P

  3. Rats will usually go in one place, but can be trained to only use a litter box - for f***s. Full housebreaking is near impossible.

    Check out the cage and find where hte rats are normally going. It will usually be in a corner. Put a litter box there. Now, every time the rat goes in the correct place, reward her. If you see the rat trying to go somewhere else tell them "No" and pick her up and put her (and any raisins) in the litter box. After a while she'll figure it out and - if you get any new ratties, your older ones will teach them :)

    You can teach your rat to respond to her name by using treats. Say the rat's name whenever you go to see the rat or play with her. Also, use treats to lure her out of her cage. I suggest rice crispies. Give her a treat for baby steps - coming out of the cage, coming on to your hand, etc. Say her name as you do this. Soon she'll realize that you're friendly :)

    You can also train rats to ride on your shoulder - or even your head! I've never personally done the head part, but to get her to ride on your shoulder just take it slow and reward her for good or wanted behavior. And, at first, stay close to the ground, or she'll freak out a lot.

    Check out some of these sites, they're where I found out a lot about my girls:

  4. I have no clue, but a friend of my mom's potty trained her cat. I know it has to be young when you teach it though.

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