
How do you potty train a two year old boy?

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My two year old is a slow learner and just went potty for the first time on his little toilet yesterday. He doesn't seem to know or care if he is wet. I don't know how to get him to tell me when he needs to go. How can I learn when he needs to go, and how can I get him to care about going potty. Yes we reward him when he goes but I want to cut down on the not knowing when he has to go. Thanks.




  1. This link may help

    Goodluck  :>

  2. is he just 2, 2.5 or older. I am not a fan of potty training too early. My son was three and all my friends children were already trained. My son learnt in three days and has only wet himself once at school and twice in the night since then. It's up to the parent, depends on the child. Is your son a slow learner generally or just about this? Most boys are slower than girls anyway but my daughter is 2 years 3 months and will use the potty but is the same in that she doesn't care if she is wet, I am very tempted to wait until she is three as well. Don't worry too much and just keep trying to introduce the idea slowly.

    I just wanted to also say, potty training has nothing to do with intelligence, in fact children that 'don't realise' are often so engaged in other things. All 'normal' 4 year olds are potty trained and there is a reason for this, so hang in there.

  3. Rewards are a good thing, but eventually you may have to go to punishment to teach him. I did, because my son was SO stubborn! Let him pee in his pants and stay in them. Put him on the potty as often as you can. We finally got him to pee in the potty, but it took forever to get him to p**p in the potty - eventually took someone else's advice and put him in a cold shower for about 20 seconds for pooping his pants - did it 2 times, and that was the last time he had an accident!  

  4. try to take him to the rest room every 30 minutes show him how hes suppose to use it and if he uses the restroom give him a treat.. also when  you go to the restroom take him in there let him try to use it too!

  5. Do not use pull ups!! They're just as absorbent as diapers. They  defeat the purpose. You want your son to be uncomfortable, thats the key to potty training. Its doesn't sound nice, but it's really the only way you can help him to understand what is happening. In the morning put him on the potty for a little while. Than for the rest of the day,put him on it every hour. Good Luck

  6. does he have the #2 down...?

    he might just not have very good control of his bladder yet... he's only 2, i wouldn't be worried until 3 or 3 1/2...

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