
How do you potty train a very stubborn three year old girl?

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My three year old girl (second child) has decided to take a break from using the potty. We have tried bribing her, filling her up with liquids and reading books (which she loves) and she still waits until the diaper goes back on! Help!




  1. This worked for me, my son liked the fruit roll ups, but we never really bought them.  So when I bought a big box, I told him he would get one as a treat every time he went potty and after he washed his hands, I also bought him a potty at Target that plays a little sound every time he goes and that is all that it took for him to be enthusiastic about  going potty, so although you daughter might think differently, think of something that she really likes as a treat and trade with her, don't worry to much if its candy, my son soon got tired of them and does not even want to look at another fruit roll up again LOL :-)  Good luck!

  2. As I sat with Jacqueline, the two year old I watch, I realized potty training can be rough. Some people have tons of luck and others just want to quit before they start. So here are the top two ideas that seem to get the best response from a child.

    1. Try encouraging your child with a reward. Every time they can go to the potty without wetting their pants, they get a treat (candy, toy, etc…). I tried this with my nephew and he definitely loved it. He was so excited to show me he went potty all by himself. It may take a few tries before they get the hang of it but once they do it’s all uphill from there.

    2. Use a prop for your child. One of my favorites that I use with Jacqueline is the potty undies. We picked a pair of undies that has a cartoon character she loves (in this case strawberry shortcake) and I tell her, “Make sure you don’t get Strawberry all wet. She doesn’t like that very much.” So now when she goes potty she finds me afterwards to show me Strawberry is still dry.

    The main idea is to entertain the child and make it seem like going potty is a game. Children hate work and love fun, so why not make potty time fun for them. Trust me your child will absolutely love one of the top two ideas. Good Luck!

  3. you tell the girl if she poops in the toilet you'll give her a pat on the back

  4. Well first when she needs to go to the bathroom you tell her "Okay now lets go to the bathroom".  But if she tries to yell than warn her that she get hurt.  But if she does it again than slap her.  It works every time.

  5. My daughter is also 3.  The doctor and I decided not to worry when she used the potty.  Every few weeks I would try and if she seemed uncomfortable I wouldn't push.  when she was 3 1/2 I got a new potty that had a book with it (throne of your own) and would keep her home and naked most of the day. When she needed to go she/we would read the story  together while she was on the potty and then she would get a princess sticker.  She only had one accident and didn't even need diapers at night, although we continued with them for a while.  She'll /He'll get it when it isn't an issue.  She/He probably just wants to be in control of something and this is the something she/he can control.

  6. I too have a VERY stubborn lil boy and for me the magic answer was to BE DONE AND GET RID OF DIAPERS! I started the day with a chat " I talked to your pre-shcool teacher and she said you are big enough to use the potty and you don't have to wear a diaper how big are you!!" LOTS of PRAISE!! Every time you have to go, you need to use the potty if you need help give me a call.

    I personally NEVER set a timer or reminded him ...I let it be his responsibility (and his control)to use the potty. Of course they will have accidents and its no big deal..I had my son help me clean the mess up and he really hated the feeling of wet jeans/pants...which served as a good motivator for using the potty. My son like your little one never bought into the whole rewards thing..he was too stubborn in his own wants to actually care what the reward was hehe...

    At first I used pulls ups for nap and bed time...and of course my lil one waited til these times to go but I just ignored and in time he started using it regularly...after 2 weeks he was not even in pulls ups for naps or bed time....hes only just turned three and still at nights a couple times a mos has an accident...but really its not too big of a deal and pretty easy in the long run!

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