
How do you potty train mice?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering, I was planning on getting a mouse, I don't want him to use the restroom all over his bedding.




  1. dont want the bedding to get dirty..weird..anyways promise me that you will get at least 2 from the same litter b/c its scientifically proven that one rodent alone goes mentily ill and dies wayyy gerbils basically go to the bathroom in one spot and i clean their cage every 2 to clean their cage is:

    1. take the animal out

    2. take all houses, wheels, ETC out

    3. get a plastic bag or 2

    4. put all bedding into bags

    5. place new bedding

    6.put everything back and throw away old bedding

    Hope i helped!!


  2. find the corners they go to the bathroom in now & put little litter boxes in them. As they start to use them you can slowly remove any extra ones they haven't been using, until they are only using one.

  3. Mice and many mammals including dogs have an instinct to keep their areas clean. Most likely, your new mouse will choose a spot and only go there, after getting used to his new sorroundings. That's what my lizards did!

  4. wow yoyr desperate for mice ***k

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