
How do you potty train your dog?

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I have wee wee pads already but i want to know how did YOU potty train your dog




  1. tell him to go out side and back in 5 times

  2. I began by placing several wee wee pads around the house, one in each room.

    I removed one every 3 days, starting furthest away from the back door and garden and working closer towards it.

    When only the one next to the back door was left, I placed one outside.

    After 5 days, I removed the last pad from inside, and my dog continued to use the pad outside.

    After a week, I removed the outside pad, and that was it, he learnt to go outside.

    And as aweful as it sounds, if the dog does pee inside, you need to discipline it. Take the dog right up to the puddle, and say NO in a firm but not shouting voice. Then take your dog outside and make them stay outside for 5 minutes. This way they link peeing inside with punishment.

  3. i potty trained my dog by taking it the same spot everytime outside to do its buisness. i also trained my dog to jump on the door and bark when it has to go out. after a while it just goes to the same spot outside.

  4. Soon after they ate and drank I would take them outside to go potty. And encouraged them to go by saying "go potty,go potty" good boy/good girl.It worked great.Plus they got a little treat after pooping outside.

  5. show them where the they are supposed to pee.

    everytime they pee or p**p where its not supposed to, put its nose in it and give it a light smack and say NO! and put it on the pad.

    after awhile it will start going on the pad and when it does, reward it with a treat

  6. How I potty trained my dog? I just took him out by instinct and let him pee then. If he didn't I just waited till he did. If he took forever and still didn't wee I'd take him in and wait a bit.

    Oh and don't give him water after 8:00 PM or else he/she will have an accident :P  

  7. Ok, all you have to do is each day move the pads closer to the door she goes outside. Then sooner or later move the pads outside, then after she gets used to going on the pads outside, just stop the pads and take her out every hour! =D

    Hope I Helped

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