
How do you prank a large group of people?

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Well I am having a small birthday party (only 5-6 people will be there) and I want to pull a huge prank on them. I would really like to do something to freak them out, like pretend to have someone break into the house or something, but I dont know how to pull that off. So if anyone has any great ideas please tell me...and dont put babish stuff like switching the salt with sugar or putting whoopie cushions in the couch. Thanks!!




  1. put laxatives in their food. If you have a house with like 1-2 bathroom, it'll be hella funny.

  2. Have  a  person  attend party.  But  has  be  stranger  to  all of  them.  After  awhile  say  to  someone , "do you know  this  guy? " repeat  to  another  so  on.  Meanwhile  this  stranger  is  being  rude  like,  belching, eating  sloopy,  making  rude  comments  about  the  food,  (ACTING)  About  time  everyone  catches  on  NO  one  knows  him  then  you  make  a  scene  with  this  guy to  throw  him  out,,,  then  say  "GOTTCHAA"

  3. i wouldn't consider 5-6 people a large group but

    fill the room with baloons  hilarious video on youtube

    fill the room with full cups

    get a fog machiene and fill the room

  4. Why would you want to do that?

  5. yeah I'm not really sure on that b/c there are many different ways it could go.. but I did something similar. and i just have to advise that you have someone on the inside. like tell at least one of your guests what's going on, so that nothing seems too fishy. (it's so they can seem genuinely freaked out... therefore, freaking out the rest of the guests). hope it works out!

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