
How do you prefer the news? T.V., Internet, Newspaper?

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I prefer the Internet, because TV news is horrible, and Newspapers are bothorsome for so many reasons.




  1. TV and Internet.  I usually don't have time to read the paper.

  2. Internet for actual content, because I can search for different news sources and work out where the bias is (and how many news sources are just parroting one another).

    TV occasionally for pictures of what's going on, since it's more immediate. 911, Katrina, Darfur,  those I watched on television because I couldn't otherwise comprehend the scale of things.

    Newspapers for local news and events, and announcements of things I might want to go and see or do. I can't easily get that information anywhere else than in a local newspaper.

  3. tv but depends on the channel i'm watching and internet.

  4. internet more than tv. but both.

  5. Yes, the internet is a great medium for news but you also have to consider the population that is on Y!A and their answers to this question. Most Net savvy people are ...On the internet (novel idea I know! lol). For example— My Fathers lineage going back three or four generations and now including me has always had some tie into  typesetting/printing/or newspaper and magazine page design. This naturally makes us more enthusiastic towards print media but as wise consumers, even we don't just believe (or trust) in one source. I for one have subscriptions to more papers than I can count and I am very picky on which stories I read from where.

    I think this is why the appeal of Internet News is so strong. People have the choice to filter their news basically by not only what is important to them but also what is reputable. This is likely because the vast amount of information available on this medium compared to what you can print on 32 tabloid pages. We as web users have become so accustomed to always making a decision as to what is believable or not because we know that anybody can pretty much publish anything on the Web.

  6. Internet.........

    can't stand commercials

    can't stand television new, too depressing, more killings and such..........

    plus, "murdered child, and now to Sports and Weather" with a fake smile after just talking about a tragic event....


  7. internet or tv

  8. For news, the internet by far.

    If I want updates on "American Idol" or "Dancing with the Stars" or if I want sensationalized, biased news I'll turn on the TV for a few minutes.

  9. Paper. I get the London Times. Oh and The Wall Street Journal. :)

  10. I watch the news on TV, on different channels to get a better perspective and then read them on the Internet.  I feel that written news usually give more details......

  11. I'm typical :) Wake up, read the newspaper while eating jam on toast and tea. Barely watch TV and i only use the Internet if i'm overseas.

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