
How do you prepare a toddler for a new baby?

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I'm currently 6 months pregnant with my second child. i was wondering how to start preparing my 2 year old son for the new baby?




  1. when i was pregnant with my second i set up everything and showed my son with a dolly-his baby- what all of it was used for. they are 13 mo apart. and i set aside an alarm every day that it was just mommy and jake for one hour and kept that same hour every day before and after baby was born, he know he would get one hour of one on one time no matter what when the timer went off.

  2. Congratulations on the Baby!  This is what we did, we bought several books to help with this.  We also got them to make a stuffed animal (Build A Bear), and they brought it to the hospital for the new baby.  Then we bought toys for the boys from there sister.  Each time they came to the hospital she gave them a present.  The first was a t-shirt saying I 'm The Big Brother.  This helped a lot.  With my first he was 3 weeks away from being three and when I would nurse I also had special toys that he only played with at that time and when the third came there was nine and six years difference, so I did not need to do this.  I hope that this helps!  Good Luck!

  3. There are a lot of story books about kids whose parents will be bringning a new baby brother or sister home,,we had one of the Arthur books,,you could also have your son talk to your belly  "Hellooooo in there !! "

    Have them pick a toy out for thier new brother or sister,,have them draw a picture for them,,just get them involved,,the books are good bed time reading and the message is subtle, but effective...good luck with both babies !

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