
How do you prepare for drinking?

by Guest56087  |  earlier

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I'm dedicating my day to alcohol tomorrow. I'm meeting up with my friend at about 11, making some pancakes with him (or so he said tonight when he was trashed, but i wasn't drinking). At about 12-1 we are going to pick up some brews go relax and get a buzz going. From then on it's pretty much whatever the h**l we want to do.

Another 30 rack you say? lets do it.

I'm not really sure but I just wanted to see what precautions you people here at yahoo do when you are drinking.

Myself I usually just have a decent meal with a lot of fat in it then drink a glass of milk. But i feel like trying something different.




  1. if your going to drink all day you need to eat at least twice.  the food delays the absorption of the booze so you don't get wasted fast.  also drink some water between beers, this will keep you hydrated.   alcohol will upset your stomach if you drink all day, so take some pepcid before and keep some tums with you so you don't puke.  you will probably get some headaches throughout the day too so take tylenol, only while your drinking, not for a hangover.  stick with the same type of drink.

  2. I also believe that milk coats your stomach.  I usually just try to eat before drinking.

  3. Do not mix Hard booze with  food  you'll puke your  lungs  out. But easy drinking like beer and wine  eat a little  something so  you aren't undermotabilized(sp)

  4. smoke weed first

  5. Make sure you are rested, eat a meal, and drink a glass of milk. Also take aspirin or tylenol  just before going to bed and you should not wake up with a nasty headache. Also remember do not drink then drive and if you are going to have fun in the process and do not want an unwanted child...USE PROTECTION!

  6. eat while your drinking, and avoid the milk man. toastchee cracker are a life saver. eat them while you drink. and dont go driving, avoid confrontaion, and think the whole time your drinking,"use a condom"

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