
How do you prepare to entertain your guests? What do you serve?

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Friends of mine are coming to visit this summer and we have a built in pool which is a huge plus for us, and we plan on BBQ'ing.

What kind of snacks, desserts, or BBQ are your favorites to fix for your guests?

Any Decor in mind to help excite the day? There will be 12 and a 13 year old, plus their parents and my husband and I and our son who is three.

Any ideas how to make it special and Fun for the kidos? ie: food, games, decor, etc.

Thank you in advance for sharing. :-)




  1. Have some diving rings, or a pool basketball net, or squirt guns for the kids to play with ...Walmart has a bunch of fun pool toys for kids that age.....      I always hollow out a half watermelon; cut it into cubes with strawberries, blueberries, cantalope, honeydew & pineapple, and put it back into the watermelon shell (garnished with mint) .....  Hot dogs & hamburgers are probably best for everyone, although you could also have some "gourmet" sausages to grill too.  I like onion rolls for the burgers - with lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles, olives, etc. set out for everyone to do their own.  And maybe a small pot of chili if they want to make chili dogs (you can set the pot to heat on the BBQ) .....   Coleslaw (get 1/2 lb. at the grocery; add a package of shredded coleslaw cabbage to it, with 1 T. horseradish and a bunch of dried dillweed;  dry roasted peanuts are an unexpected touch too ....   Bean salad is so easy and keeps well on a buffet table.  Just use canned cut green beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, wax beans (all drained), sliced onion with a good Italian or vignarette dressing .....  A veggie tray with dip ...

    My family loves FRUIT AMBROSIA

    2 c. heavy whipping cream

    1/2 c. sugar

    1 tsp. vanilla

    1/2 tsp. almond extract

    1 large can mandarin oranges, drained

    1-2 cans fruit cocktail, drained

    3-4 c. miniature marshmellows

           Whip cream with sugar & extracts until very stiff peaks.  Gently fold in fruit & marshmellows.  Chill

    ... If you're going to do the Sundae Bar, have these cookies there too:


    1/2 c. butter

    1-1/2 c. graham cracker crumbs

    1 can sweetened, condensed milk

    1 (6 oz) pkg chocolate chips

    1/2 c. flaked coconut

    1 c. chopped nuts

          Melt butter in bottom of 9x13" pan.  Remove from heat.  Sprinkle crumbs evenly in the bottom;  pour sweetened milk evenly over crumbs.  Top with chips, coconut & nuts.  Press down gently.  Bake at 350 for 25 min, or until golden brown.  Cool and cut into bars.

    Oh!  You might also want to get some margarita mix and make margaritas in the blender (for the adults)...and beer for the men:)

  2. I would probably do steaks and/or ribs on the grill for the grownups (kids too maybe) and hamburgers/hot dogs for kids ready.  Watermelon and corn is a must!  Know what's fun?  Hollow out some cantaloupe halves, and then use them for bowls filled with ice cream.  Maybe have  a sundae bar?  Kids love to choose their own toppings!  Plus, all age groups like it!

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