
How do you prepare your Dressed Salmon?

by Guest58602  |  earlier

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i have thought to make this for myself instead of buying this, and have looked up different recipes etc.

i have basically come up with the conclusion that you cook this whole in your herbs.However, poached is better, remove the skin, except that of the head and tail. chill...then decorate it....

Now what i need to know is if this Aspic jelly is essential because i cant find it anywhere, and don't want to make it....some say use cognac, others say sherry. i say never mind! maybe?

so what can i use as an aspic jelly substitute....or can i?

was thinking maybe to cover the fish in mashed potato or mayonnaise or something, then layer the cucumber in the design of scales.and use stuffed olives for the eyes.

what do you think?




  1. Def sherry!

    and uhm mayo on salmon sounds nasty to me!

    Maybe mashed potato is better...

    or just cover it with green olives and use black olives for the eyes or something like that.


  2. dressed salmon


    800g-1.1kg pack whole salmon fillet side

    20g pack fresh herbs for fish

    1 lemon

    2-4 x 15ml spoons dry white wine

    freshly ground white pepper

    1 pack aspic jelly powder

    ½ cucumber thinly sliced


    Preheat oven to 180°C, 350°F, Gas Mark 4.

    Descale the underside of the fillet by pulling a knife downwards towards you, across the scales.

    Place the herbs onto a lightly oiled piece of foil, top with the salmon, squeeze over the juice of the lemon, add the wine and season with white pepper. Top with another lightly greased sheet of foil and loosely wrap.

    Place on a baking sheet and cook for 25 minutes per 500g. When cooked allow to stand until completely cold.

    Make up the aspic jelly as pack instructions. Flood the serving plate with a layer and refrigerate until set. Top with the salmon and working from the head to tail end, layer with cucumber.

    Spoon over some of the remaining aspic, and pour any remaining aspic into a clingfilm lined tin and refrigerate until set.

    When set chop remaining aspic into cubes and spoon around the edge of the salmon and serve.

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