
How do you prepare yourself and remain calm when you have a stressful situation or day ahead of you?

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How do you prepare yourself and remain calm when you have a stressful situation or day ahead of you?




  1. Tell yourself that it's no big deal!

  2. There's a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that really inspires me-- "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." What this quote means to me is that no matter how stressful the situation, how daunting the task, I am in control of me.

    Sometimes I give up my control and let people or circumstances have power over me. It sucks, and its bound to happen. However, I always loop back into the realization that I am responsible for my thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. So basically, I do a mental exercise to remind myself of this. Its like a positive mantra, "If I can't change the situation, I can at least change my attitude!"

    Its not a 100% solution for the uncertainty and fears, but it sure reorients me and makes me aware of myself, not as helpless but resourceful, not as hopeless but full of potential. I hope you find your inner way to maintain calm in face of stress :)

  3. Write down the things that you are worried will happen.

    Then, see if it's likely they will happen.

    If it's quite likely, list options on how to avoid a bad scenario, or how you can deal with it, should it happen.

    Lot's of sleep, a good movie and a bubble bath never hurt either! :P

  4. Learn the following two tricks to solve your problem.

    Refresh your mind. Fill your mind with noble or holy thoughts.

    Recharge your body by maintaining good regimen. Good habits and good behaviour. Gain lot of self-confidence. Build your own personality. Excel. Accept challenges. Have a strong moral character. Improve your intelligence.

  5. The power of thinking will take you a long way.  

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