
How do you prepare yourself emotionally and spiritually...?

by Guest45486  |  earlier

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...if you are to leave for another country knowing that you wont be back to your hometown for a long while, or even forever.




  1. Read the Holy Bible and take it with you.  

  2. when i was deployed..spiritually and emotionally i meditated on the word of God daily. of course i was going to be sad because i was leaving my loved ones but i always has faith in God that He was going to return me to them and He did.

  3. As a Navy veteran, I just concentrated on doing my job. The time passes... so will you...

    All the best to you...

    In a footnote, meet and understand the new people you will meet. Remember that you are a guest, be a good one. You will have an opportunity not many will ever have, make the most of it...

  4. read bible

    pray (ask other christians to pray)


  5. Preparation of all sorts builds with continued practice and perseverance, patience as well.  It looks as though you already know this so you have a great advantage already.

    I'm sure you will do well in what ever this endeavor may be.  It sounds as though this may be a very interesting and productive door opening up in your life.   :)  

    Take care.  :)

  6. The knowing that your life path has a learning experience in store for you, the wisdom that will come after the experience, and living in the harsh but sweet reality of the experienced moment... When the wisdom is gained it feels very much like that day you woke up and felt older. (I don't mean your birthday)

  7. I spent three years overseas.

    English is a common language in most parts of the world.

    The Culture will take a bit getting used to.

    The secret like anything else to not to over-prepare. I would just recommended take extra toilet articles and some basic OTC stuff like Pep-to Bis-mo (you will need it).

    God will guide you.

    Do not worry.

    God love you!

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