
How do you prevent a Cigar from burning to fast on one side?

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Can anyone help me with this. i have been smoking cigars for years and occasionally it burns fast on one side. i do rotate it when lighting it and use a simple butane lighter. I am looking for how to A) prevent it from happening and B) how to slow it down once i notice it has started.

Thanks everyone!




  1. its called boating....what you can do too stop it is l**k the tip of your finger and than spread the saliva on the fast burning side of the cigar.

  2. l**k on the side that's burning too fast!

  3. Its called CANOEING, not boating, lol!

    There are two causes of this - one is that it is underfilled/poorly rolled or it was stored so that excess humidity is exposed to one side.  Occasionally rotating your smokes in your humidor will help minimize this.

    You could l**k the side that is burning too quickly or you could keep the slower burning side on the downside - it works!

  4. Herfnerds got it 100%

    Herf: At least he didnt say yachting

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