
How do you prevent a crash from a weed session?

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I am SO tired of the crash that I get after I smoke weed.

How can I prevent that from happening?

(I know the tipical redbull and coffee but anything else?)





  1. I find that I get tired no matter what but i seem to get it worse if i eat alot.

    But weed does make you tired, its inevitable.

    You could also try smoking a little less. Sometimes if you smoke to much you just end up crashing faster instead of staying high longer.

    It could be a lot of things i guess.

  2. you stop smoking!!..

  3. smoke as much weed as you can then go and slap some1 in the face with a leather glove.

    the person you smacked will be confused and you can laugh at them.

    then punch them and run away (but dont run for too long, cause every1 knows high man cant run) and you will get an adrenaline rush

    once the adrenaline is gone, go snort a line or 2 of cocaine and you will be ready to do anything

    you wont be sleepin for a couple of days

  4. Easy answer - smoke a little before you go to bed - no problem!


  5. eh i havent smoked in about 5 months now but previous to that i was a 50+ cone a day smoker.... b4 work, all that sht. best ways i found to get over the sleepy factor was to do sht for a little... walk down to the store to get some munchies etc etc or if u just chillin n got all the munchies u need - drink coke and play an addictive video game lol worked for me anyways. but truth be told, after a while it doesnt make u tired anyways... it used to make me hella tired and whenever i have a break n get back into it, the same thing happens again at first. after a while it doesnt do sht to get u tired, just smashes u... but one of these dues had it right - u need to make sure u got that good bud otherwise not only will u get tired, but when u smoke more u'll get headaches... and the bush is no good for ya lungs... go the hydro lol

  6. don't really no my self 4 sure but maybe one thing u can do is not hit the pipe so hard and just try 2 get a little buzz until u want 2 crash then u can  get stoned out of your freak-en mind and have a good night sleep 2

  7. Just take another little toke and go outside and listen to music.  also, drink water or juice

  8. Don't vege out.

    Smoke out door grown weed and only smoke a little. Sometimes we smoke more than we need because it takes while to kick in and by then its too late. Have one cone and wait for half an hour before deciding if you want more.

    Have activities planned before you smoke. I can never make plans once stoned but if already doing something i don't notice the come down.

    A line of speed works well too lol

    Avoid hydro head stones and vege couch sessions!

    Alcohol, caffiene, nicotine are all drugs too for you killjoy people not actually answering the question! every culture has a drug of choice, find one without it and I'll never do them again. Don't do drugs! i bet you take panadol or drink tea or coffee.

  9. here's one don't smoke it!!

  10. Eat more munchies! But healthier options not just junk food!  

  11. the best way is 2 like shower or jump in a pool or something like b4 u come down cuz that sobers you up and u skip the crash stage u just go right to sober but like if im stoned and my parents r coming home in a half hour quick shower some eye drops and im good 2 go

    also like if ur smokin strong weed dont smoke as much as u would with less strong weed cuz i smoked this **** that was mad laced and i smoked like a 40 of it well me and a couple other guys but anyway i was high 4 like a day like i woke up high the next morning lol so be careful know who ur gettin yer S**t from

  12. ok i know i'm just some random guy on yahoo answers and this probly wont mean anything to you but don't do drugs. it is just a sure fire way to s***w up your body. my girl friends best friend died from weed. it's just a really stupid and illegal thing to do. if you need to feel b.a. then chew some tabacco or smoke or something. im not suggesting it but it's ten times better then drugs

  13. First of all, nice would just suggest smoking better bud if at all possible.  Pay a little more for the "good stuff".  And try to spread out the high by smoking smaller amounts at a time, unless of course you wanna get really snokered.  

  14. The surest way to prevent that crash is not to smoke it in the first place.

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