
How do you prevent bruises/soreness in volleyball?

by Guest60484  |  earlier

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This is my first time playing and I have blue and black bruises all the way down both arms. It hurts really bad when I hit the ball. How do you stop this from happening.




  1. ice, heat & painkillers...its kinda unavoidable b/c its a full on contact sport w/ the floor

  2. Keep on doing it and you'll get used to it after a while. i dont think theres a way to make it stop hurting.. srry =[

  3. you cant really prevent them, but youll get used to it.

  4. Keep playing everyday even if it hurts, I love playing volleyball, and thats what I did. Your arms build up muscles and let you hit the ball harder.

  5. when you get home after practice slap your arms for a while.keep doing it every night for about two weeks by that time your arms will be tough as leather and you wont feel a thing

  6. Theres nothing really to do, after my first practice a few years ago, i was just like you. After a few practices, you dont get em.

  7. when i started playing, i came home from practice and my arms killed but your arms become tougher and stronger and now i dont even feel it. it will get less and less painful the more you play

    good luck

    hope this helps

  8. get arm pads and knee pads an then you will get used to the ball hitting your arms and legs

  9. Stop playing for a few days may make you feel better.

    It is no big deal. You just need to play more frequently.

    I used to have that after a whole summer not touching the ball. Your arms will soon become not so sensitive to those bumps.

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