
How do you prevent mould forming?

by  |  earlier

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some of my clothes,mainly my coats in my wardrobe keep getting mould on forming on wipes of easily enough,but im constantly seeing it reappear.i try to open the bedroom window to let fresh air in,but i dont understand why this is happening .is there a product i can by that i couls say put in the wardrobe and prevent mould?




  1. You have tooo much humidity in the home. Leave closets open , and have a small fan circulate the air. Or run air conditioner more with closet doors open. It is a pain, but must be solved. Yes, some products that are suppose to help but I found out they don't do much. Like the big cup with salt in it. Wastes of money. Also you could get a dehumiifier for the bedroom and closet.

    Good luck..

  2. Brushing it off is only spreading the spores. They are microscopic and re-establish themselves as soon as the clothes go back into the wardrobe.

    The wardrobe needs to be emptied entirely, cleaned and dried while ALL contents are cleaned, washed and some possibly thrown out.

    The presence of the mould is unhealthy for you and damaging to your living environment.

    This article discusses growing conditions, etc.

  3. You do not say where you think the moisture is coming from. It could be condensation if the cupboard is against a damp or cold wall or floor.Ventilation will help 2 small airvents could be put in or you can buy dehumidifying crystals from DIY stores. It would be better to find where the damp is coming from.

  4. you need to let air circulate in your wardrobe. leave the wardrobe door open when you open the window for a few hours during the day.

  5. Could be bad ventilation,try putting air vents top and bottom of wardrobe doors,especially if it`s a built in unit and the house wall is inside wardrobe.

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