
How do you prevent pencil from smudging?

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In school, I like to use spiral notebooks. SInce I hate using pen, I typically use pencil. BUt the problem is, that it smudges against the other pages of the notebook. Is there anyway to prevent the pencil from smudging against the other pages? The pencil I use is Bic 0.7 mechanical pencil.




  1. use an erasable pen

  2. Use hairspray, I'm serious, it works.  

    I also have a friend who's an artist.  Her preferred method is just pencils and stuff.  So what she does, when she finishes a project, she sprays it with hairspray.

    If you don't want to do that then just use less pressure and prevent as much rubbing as you can.

  3. spray it with hairspray and let it dry. try a flexible hold so it doesn't get sticky.

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