
How do you produce carbon dioxide?

by Guest67223  |  earlier

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How do you produce carbon dioxide?




  1. just exhale through your nose or mouth...thats it..

  2. when you inhale you take in oxygen and when you exhale you leave carbon dioxide

  3. Bein' alive.

  4. Oxidize carbon:

    C + O2 -> CO2

    Outside a labratory, CO2 is produced by burning organic material. This can be wood, gas, coal or oil. These hydrocarbons and carbohydrates produce CO2 and H2O.

    Naturally, CO2 is produced when living organisms turn carbohydrates into CO2 to generate chemical energy for metabolism. Unlike combustion, the chemical energy is saved in another molecule, ATP. Combustion itself turns the chemical energy into heat and light energy.

    Another source of CO2 is the earth itself. Volcanos use heat to decompose limestone and marble into lime and CO2:

    CaCO3 -> CaO + CO2

    CO2, H2O and H2S are the major components of volcanic gas.

  5. You exhale.

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