
How do you pronounce the 't' sound...?

by Guest63869  |  earlier

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... as in:





or 't'ime?

I have been placing my tongue against the roof of my mouth, just behind the upper set of teeth. However, I have read weird articles and am beginning to doubt my pronunciation.




  1. sounds like u are doing it right. my tongue feels like it kinda curves or arches when i make that sound

  2. I don't know if it's easy to explain in text. But listen to how other people say it... that's probably right. I can't think of any other way to say the "t" sound...

  3. I touch the interior tops of my front teeth (near the root/roof of my mouth) with my tongue.  Can people understand you?  Then you are probably doing it just fine.

  4. No, you were doing it fine

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