
How do you pronounce the word "shite" in Japanese. No I'm not being immature read details.?

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I'm proposing to my girlfriend next week. She's Japanese and when i propose I want to ask her in Japanese. Kekkon shite kuremasu ka?

Now I am still learning.....and i have no clue how to say shite....I' am afraid I' am going to mispronounce it and embarrass myself.




  1. I'm still a beginner, but listen to Japanese as much as I can and watch a lot of Kurosawa's movies.  It always sounds to me like "shteh" as though the "i" weren't there.  Also, make sure you hold on to the double-k in "kekkon"; don't hold it quite twice as long, but about 1 1/2 as long as you would a single consonant.  And don't pronounce the LAST "u" in "kuremasu":  "kurehmasska," something like that.

    Somehow, though, if you should mispronounce something, I doubt she'll care :-)  Best of luck to you both!

  2. If my college Japanese serves me well (which it may or may not) I would pronounce it She tae putting a soft pause on the end of the "she" part like a stopped "t" think about saying the word you don't want to say and stopping yourself right before you say the t part, but instead of s**+ it would be She.

  3. Wow I hope she says yes

    If you're nervous you can make it simpler


    Kekkon shite kudasai.   Please marry me.

    shite             s**+ (same as she)  te (as in ten without the n)

    kekkon         kek kong  

    the rest is pronounced as it is written



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