
How do you properly and fully train a budgie? How do you get him to come to your hand on command when flying?

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We just bought this budgie about 3 weeks ago. He is approxiametely 5 weeks old, is this too young to begin training? For the first two weeks and a couple of times I taught him to step upto my finger when I said "Up". Now my dad decided to let him out and fly around and he has been for the past 3 days. But now he has forgotten his "Up" Training and won't come to my hand anymore when I need to put him away. He also won't sit with us, and when we hold him he just pecks and bites. So I really need help with being able to hold him and he'll stay with us (finger and shoulder training), to let him trust my hand and to sit on it on command, some treats I can give him and if he is too young to begin training (he is 5 weeks approx)? I don't mind if it takes a while, I just want to train him and have fun with him.




  1. simple treats

    show them  that you = treats and when they do something u wanted them to do they get a treat

  2. You realised any proper answer to your questions cannot fit into the space allowed.

    I can talk of Tinkerbell, my Congo African Grey Parrot who came out regularly with me to fly in the forests and mountains and parks in Taiwan.

    I can also talk of my white rumped shama YingShiong , which was thought to be an 'aviary song bird'.  YS was a wild caught bird at 3 years old and came to me at 5 years old. YS is smaller than a budgie, and much much more shy of a type of bird said 'impossible' to train.

    Perhaps the following videos will give you a better idea

    Yingshiong flying to me on recall.

    Yingshiong flying back into cage at cue

    The webpage below shows even more photos and videos, and explained in detail the training and the mindset that made that possible.

    You will have your answers there, including answers to questions that you might not even have thought of asking as yet.

    Warmest regards


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