
How do you properly sing????

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I have a good voice but I always strain it because I cant sing properly...well at least I dont think I sing properly, cause I cant tell if Im using my diaphragm or not. And people have told me that when you use your diaphragm you can feel like your throat vibrate. But I feel it vibrate when Im not even trying, so is that true or not? Anyway I hope that made sense lol. Can somebody please help me?




  1. OK.  If you ever want to be a professional singer then a vocal coach is essential.  Even the greatest singers, like Pavarotti, keep getting voice lessons through most of their careers.

    But here I think you just want to learn proper breath support, placement and production so that you don't lose your voice.

    I wish I could do it for you here but really, it requires demonstrating.  So here are some ideas:

    --go to your school's chorus director and ask for help.

    --if no chorus director, band director.

    --try the choir director at your church.  (if you are not a church member, visit the nearest Unitarian-Universalist fellowship--they don't care what you believe).

    --ask wind instrument players from your school band.

    --get books on singing or on voice-and-diction; they will have pictures to illustrate the instructions.

  2. get a vocal coach.

  3. Don't know but my wife asks me to sing solo.  Yep, solo that she can't hear me.

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