
How do you protect yourself emotionally from?

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the "not-so-good" people. i am a very sensitive person and it can get me down real bad. my friend is always saying evil is weak, but i don't think it is. it hurts. what are your thoughts? thanx




  1. Its okay young one people will understand soon enough.  Just close your eyes and imagine yourself with a shield like object all around your body.  Reflect the negativity back to the people/spirits who gave it too you.  Good luck and god bless.  

  2. Interesting how you made the analogy. They are called Psychic Vampires or Energy Vampires.

    There are numerous books on them but the easiest way is to imagine surrounding yourself with very bright white light. Negative forces don't like that.

    The most effective method is the Pillar of Light. If you are being attacked in the daytime, it is very likely you are being attacked at night.

    The book Energy Vampires by Dorthy Harbour is what I recommend. She describes the Pillar of Light, I came across this technique nearly twenty years ago, it is effective against all psychic attacks including demon.

    This is a very real phenomena and is described on Oprah. So in case you feel this is an emergency I've included the Borders link as well.

    If you are sensitive enough to notice and you are feeling it then it is time you take action, otherwise they'll just continue to to leech from you.

  3. Strength is given to whatever or whomever you allow the power and control to go to. In other words if you allow evils, as you put it, to dominate, they will. If however you allow yourself to dominate by a positive mind set, it will. Evil is whatever you wish to make of it. What one person sees an act of evil, another person sees as a necessity. Your friend is somewhat right in that if you see evil as power, it will be powerful. If you look at it as a weakness it will become a weakness.

    First and foremost is to love and believe in you. This may sound a little bit silly but you may want try this. Recite in front of a mirror:

    "I am a person of character". Say it with meaning. Say it with passion.  This is one of the paths to success. Once you have belief in yourself, and can begin a life of significance (not that I am saying you are insignificant now, far from it) ,evil acts cease to be an issue to you. Now does that mean that these things stop? No. It just means that if we continue to focus over things the "not-so-good" people, you give the power to that thing or persons.

    Getting rid of negative thoughts is not an easy thing to do. There are many books on the subject that may be of interest to you. One that comes to mind may be 'A purpose driven life'.

    Some things in life are always going to hurt. There is no escaping the horrors that some people will do to others. We cannot change that. What we can change is how we act toward such horrors and our thoughts.

    “What lays before us, and what lays behind us are insignificant, compared to what lies within us”

    Hope this helps. Good luck!

  4. Toughen up a little bit.   People in the world are mostly a s s h o l e s,  realize that.   Don't trust anyone.

  5. First you got to learn to love yourself.

    Then this will naturally cause yourself to defend yourself emotionally.

  6. Thats the only way to weed the bad people out of your life. When they do/say hurtful things, remove them from your life. It can be a painful process, but it is the only way to know whose on your corner.  You have to give people a chance and if they s***w you, nip it in the bud.

  7. keeping my mind in control, doing yoga and meditation.

  8. Sometimes it is very difficult, especially when the "not-so-good" people are in a group or clique or are very powerful.   A lot of very good people in this world have been harmed in terrible ways, so there is no sure way to be really safe.   We have to live with some uncertainty.

    There are some practical things that you can do, such as make connections with good people who wish you well.   When evil deeds are done to you, you do not need to be passive.  Fight back in every legal way you can think of, concentrating on what is most effective.  Protect others as well, because you are not the only victim of those people.     Taking an active stance should give you strength.  

  9. Hi

    It's a little thing I call "Weed and Feed" - I weed out the bad people from my life and nurture(feed) the good relationships.

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