
How do you prove negelence if you are at a store and an 8ft. sign hits you, and you are injured?

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i am 58 disabled have a spinal cord injury can not afford an attorney was at a building store when an sign went flying threw the air buy a guest of wind it was not secured down until after the fact, have had to see two doctores added to my spinal problems what if anything can be down the store is not helpfull




  1. I'm a little unclear as to the extent of your injuries: are you saying you suffered a spinal cord injury because of the accident with the sign, or that the accident with the sign exacerbated a previous spinal cord injury? If it is the latter how was your previous injury made worse? Were there any other injuries suffered? What happened immediately after the acccident occurred (ambulance called or did you just brush yourself off and move on?)? How long were you in the hospital because of the accident?

    Are there no lawyers who will work on a contingency basis? If not what is their reason for not doing so?

  2. OK, you have to prove that the gust of wind was caused by the store.

    See, if that wind, or earlier that day, blew the sign down, or if it didn't belong to the store and was blown there, or if it was blown out of the trash, then the store isn't negligent.  

    See, you're presuming that the store is negligent.  Likely, they aren't.  Which is why they aren't helping you collect money they don't think you deserve, from them.   The fact that you were at the store, does NOT make the store automatically liable.  They aren't.  They have to have  CAUSED the damage.

  3. Pretty tough case there - prior injury agitated by a sign falling.

    They can probably show that the sign was secured properly for normal day to day operations and the wind was something that was not accounted for.

    I would suggest that you see upper management at the store or parent organization of the store.  Normally there is coverage for MEDICAL PAYMENTS for incidents such as this...just need to be able to document that the injury happened on THEIR your case, it seems like the injury was already there.

    You might want to seek legal counsel if the above doesn't work.

    Good luck and I hope this helps!

  4. If you can not find a lawyer to take the case based upon a contingency fee, its probably because its a difficult if not impossible case

    In your suit, its not the issue of the sign falling, since that's pretty straight forward, its going to be the medical connection, need a Doctor to sign off, willing to testify, etc

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