
How do you psyche out your opponent during kickboxing sparring?

by Guest56682  |  earlier

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If you're at a disadvantage physically, how can you overcome this mentally to keep yourself in the game?




  1. You must study your opponent.  Learn his weaknesses.  Exploit those deficiencies.  It takes time and work to be a successful fighter.

  2. Your a kickboxing Well, I don't know. You cannot win a physical match with your mind games. Youmust be confident for one. To win you either have to have better technique and startegy or better physical attributes. The best way to get inside their head is for them to know you are stringer, faster and more aggresive than they are and you are going to move through them like hurricane and they will fall. A great source for excellent ideas to train is: His books are excellent and the top pf the ,line when it cokmes to combining both the latest in sports science , and old school intensity along with how to apply this knowledge to reach your specific needs. Really to psyche tem out they need to knwo that they are lacking in either conditioning or raw power versus you. Or else that they are too slow. You can psyche people out to avoid conflict but in the ring, you can't talk your way out of it or make them scared, they are there to fight ,and you will have to fight them as hard as you can. The only thing I would add to Ross's manuals is sled dragging, wheel barrow pushing and some hanging core movements  are good too. Learn to train so hard that you have no doubts who is the better conditioned athlete and who will pack the meanest punch, than go out there confident and "psyche" them out by hitting them so hard the are afraid to answer back, than run through them. Remember to live for love, fighting is only to bring peace. peace of mind or peace for love.

  3. Think about hot girls.

  4. flinch at em like your going to punch or kick, that will psyche em out.

  5. keep similing ......keep a consistent hop .........and then just keep giving like random punching combos to the air every 30 seconds before the sparring round

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