
How do you punch?

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My usual way of punching is just to throw my arm as hard as possible at my target, which works ok for me. But someone told me I have to have a fully relaxed arm and fist and tense it right before impact. I have no idea how to punch lightly and tense at the end. Relaxing my fist and wrist makes my punches 3 times weaker and sometimes my wrist can bend on impact. What's the porper way to throw a punch?




  1. You need to tighten just before impact. practice slow until you get the hang of it. To increase power you need to punch to your center-line, dropping the hip on the punching side slightly before impact so as to put your upper body into the punch. Gage the punch 2 to 3 inches into the target, the hip drop should come at the surface of the target. This takes a lot of practice.This will more than triple the impact. There are more than one style of punch. All of the center punches Taekwando or Kung Fu  weather vertical or horizontal have this in common. Center punches are the most powerful.

  2. Make sure to use your lower body to put more power into the hit. Also, tensing it just before it lands is said to be excellent by many martial artists, you have to get the timing just right.

    A lot of martial artists also focus on letting out a breath of air just before impact.

    Whatever works for you, give them a try, and see how it goes. Btw, if you hit in the right spots, u dont have to put as much effort into the hits for self defence.

    Hope this helps.

  3. I punch like a girl. It's deadly.

  4. Like a primate

  5. The fact is that you are not going to be able to learn on here. You may get some ideas, but as you can see  you have already gotten many conflicting answers, because different styles emphisise different ways to punch.

    For example yes you are supposed to keep the hand relaxed until the moment of impact. Not hruting yourself doing it takes a lot of training, and a certian amount of conditioning.

    It would take me a long time to even begin to describe everything that goes into a correct Isshin-Ryu punch, starting from your base until the finish of the technique. This would be a waste of time for me and you because without training you would not be able to do it right.

    My best advice is forget what people on here have said and find a good school to train at. It might be as simple as a local boxing gym. i don't think anyone will deny that boxing has some of the best punches in the world.

    Asking for advice like this on the internet is like asking how to paint. Everybody has their own ideas(many flawed), and it is all just theory until you actually have a teacher that can show you correctly and correct your mistakes.

  6. A boxer will tell you that you punch with your legs.

    What he means by that is that you twist from your legs, add torque into it from the hips and waist and allow that energy to travel up your body, along your arm and out through your fist into whatever you are punching. If you keep your arm stiff, then you cause that energy to dissipate in your arm. By keeping your arm relaxed, that energy moves through it until just the point of impact when you tense it and deliver it to your opponent.

    An inexperienced person will simply punch with their arm, at best through their shoulder into it. But to get true power, you have to move your whole body into the punch. Watch a boxing match, and you'll see why boxers pay so much attention to footwork. It's not just about avoiding punches, it's about generating power in their own as well.

  7. like when in a "cat stance"

    from the waist

    Hitting your target with your 2 knuckles.

    (Pointer and middle finger knuckles)

    I wish I could explain it better.

    I learned it in Tae Kwon Do.

  8. yo this is what works best aND all these methods were either used by muhhumad ali bruce lee rocky or someone better so listen up. there are many things .first this takes timing but like it will work...close ur fist at the last second but keep ur hand fully open or partialy open and hit with the knuckles.

    also if u keep ur rear foots heel up u can turn that heel into the punch like ali and lee so it causes more strength but remember to keep ur balance.

    make sure to get ur fist to go like halfway and then bring ur body into it so the person does not see it be4 u hit them and there are various ways i hit with the last three knuckles cause trhose the ones i hardened but hit with first two for more impact in smaller area\

    punch with weights for speed

    if u keep ur hands real inside the shot may not be as strong but becomes realllllyyyy difficult to block

    and focus on hitting through the object

    punches get far more powerful if u do pushups with a bcackpack on even it u don use this method of punching

    of course throwning ur hand into it isnt a bad wayy or nuttin

  9. I punch very well. Thank you for asking.

    The secret, Shotokan  hip rotation.
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