
How do you purify water?

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I am wondering how would you purify water from lake or pond ...




  1. boil it then send through a carbon filter system.

  2. Pumping the water through an activated carbon filter is the easiest way. Filters are commonly available ( is one brand), and you should be able to find one at a local outdoor store. If the water has a lot of sediment, you'll want to collect the water in a bucket and let the sediment settle before pumping.

    Boiling the water also works. This is handy when you're using it for cooking anyway.

    In a pinch, chlorine bleach or iodine tablets will work too.

  3. boiling the water will clean it

  4. Don't drink it then it will be pure for you.

  5. boiled it but please do not drink it.

    for a gallon of water you put 5 drops of bleach,that works too

    but mostly for tap water not pond or lake..

    be safe

  6. To decontaminate and purify natural water sources, refer to the text Medicine for Mountaineering or The Sense of Survival by J. Allen South. We use boiling, microfiltration or portable aqua tablets for small amounts of a liter or two. At our present elevation here in Utah, you’d want to boil water for five minutes.You want to make sure it does boil for awhile to kill any parasites or germs in it.

  7. Water is the most important resource a person will need in order to survive after an emergency or disaster. The average person can survive for three to four days without water. Unfortunately, water from lakes and rivers etc. often can be contaminated with chemicals or germs which can cause serious illness or death. As Coleridge put it in his Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, "Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink." His mariner was on the sea, surrounded by salt water, all of it undrinkable. Sometimes, on land, the situation can be just as dire. Most of the world's deadliest diseases are waterborne. Water can carry parasites, giardia, cryptosporidium, bacteria, algae, viruses and fungi. Diseases like dysentery, typhus and cholera all are spread by contaminated water and cause more human deaths than virtually any other cause.

    The risks impure water cause make it imperative for you to plan how you are going to provide water in case of an emergency or disaster. It is recommended that each household should store a minimum of 1.5 gallons per person per day for a three day period. 55 gallon drums make excellent water storage containers. If you cannot store water or if you exhaust your three day supply you will have to find alternative sources of water such as rivers, lakes or ponds. Of course water from any of these sources will carry parasites, giardia, cryptosporidium, bacteria, algae, viruses and fungi that can make you very sick if you do not purify the water before drinking it. There are three options one may use to purify water.

    Option 1: Boiling water – This is generally the safest method to destroy any disease and organisms. In order to boil water you will need a source of heat either from a fire or a camp/emergency stove (I recommend a CampChef stove) and a camp pot or cup. If the water is murky or cloudy you may wish to pour the water through a coffee filter/paper towel to get rid of any sediment before boiling the water. To purify the water, bring it to a rolling boil for a minimum of 60 seconds plus one additional minute for each 1000 feet above sea level in order to ensure that all living organisms are dead. If the water tastes flat after boiling you may aerate it by pouring the water back and forth between two clean containers.

    Option 2: Tablets – This option is the most light weight and portable solution. Two common types of tablets are available; Iodine and chlorine Dioxide. As with boiling, if the water is murky or cloudy you may wish to pour the water through a coffee filter/paper towel to get rid of any sediment before boiling the water.

    Iodine Tablets – Iodine will kill pathogens that are heat resistant. When using iodine, drop the tablet in the water and wait at least 30 minutes before drinking the water as per instructions on the bottle. You also can use liquid iodine. If there are no directions on the iodine bottle use 12 drops to the gallon of water. If the water is cloudy, double that quantity. Again, mix well and allow to stand for at least 30 minutes. Iodine is a quick and easy solution. Pregnant women and people who have thyroid problems should contact a physician before using iodine as a water purifier.

    Chlorine Dioxide Tablets - Like iodine, this also is a light weight and portable solution for water purification. Chlorine Dioxide is a stronger pathogen killer than iodine and will not discolor the water. To use these tablets, drop them in your water and wait at least 15 minutes before drinking as per the instructions on the bottle. The water will have a slight chlorine taste. You also can use liquid bleach found in your home - Liquid Chlorine Bleach: Be sure the bleach you have on hand for this purpose contains only sodium hypochlorite (5.25% solution) with no soap, phosphates, scents, etc. For one gallon of clear water, add 8 drops (1/8 tsp) of bleach. To five gallons of clear water add 32 drops (1/2 tsp.) If the water is cloudy, double these amounts. Do not use the measuring dropper or spoon for anything else. At the time the bleach is purchased, right the date of purchase on the bottle. Bleach that is over one year old has lost about half its strength so the quantities you use should be doubled. After adding the bleach to the water, mix well and let it stand for at least 30 minutes before using.

    Note: Both chlorine and iodine will impart a taste to the water. Pouring the water from one container to another several times will help dissipate some of that taste by re-oxygenating the water. Tang or Kool-Aid also will help to cover or disguise these tastes.

    Option 3: Water Filters - Water Filters will remove bacteria, cysts and parasites. Filters also can remove many waterborne chemicals and filter out "off" tastes that boiling or tablets cannot. These filters are made in various sizes and output capacities. Some are small enough to be carried in a backpack. It would be advisable to have several of these on hand. Filters are an excellent option when you have the need for something that you can carry and will last long term.

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