
How do you purposely make horses rear up?

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My friend's step-father was riding around on his horse doing tricks when he purposely made his horse rear up. How do you make your horse do that? Just wondering.




  1. Don't teach your horse to rear...Teach him to Levade!

    Levade is a War Horse technique you will see presented with the White Stallions Inc. or other groups that exhibit Airs Above The Ground.

    All I will tell you about teaching this kind of movement is that it takes a great deal of collection and strength not only in the hindquarter of the horse but also his/her back. Very few horses have a met over the years that had the overall strength to hold themselves at a 40 degree angle. This is far more impressive then a horse that rears unbalanced. If you really want to learn to teach your horse to do this kind of movement you should try and get a working student position with a High School Dressage or War Horse trainer. Never try this along, as it takes a great deal of engagement in the hindquarter and ultimately if you and your horse are not ready could cause him/her to flip over backwards on top of you or fall over on you.

    P.S. You definitely do NOT teach a horse to lift by tapping them in any form or fashion in the chest, remember the hindquarter is your engine and all engagements begins there first.

  2. how you train a horse to rear it to take a  whip and put your horse on a long lead line (on the ground ) take the whip stand back and tickle his or her chest right between the muscles at first the horse will just try to shake of the tickle when that happens start tapping not hard but just enough to be felt till the horse stomps or takes a step back then tip just a bit harder till the horse pops up. once u have the horse able to do that well on the ground and with just a slite tickle then u can get on and tape the horses chest and he should go up. now that a told u how im going to tell u don't try this it can make a mess of ur horses training u don't want to start somthing just to lool cool ( cause it dose loke cool)  but it could start ur horse to start rearing at just a fly on him so please dont.

  3. Maybe if you tug their tail but im not sure cause i havent tryed it. but if your friends stepfather does that on purpose tell him that the horses liver could flip if he turns over!!!!!!!!that could kill the horse

  4. don't do it! it is dangerous!

  5. I'm not sure, but it can be dangerous.  A rearing horse can easily go over backwards on top of it's rider.  It's not a safe trick to teach a horse and I don't recommend it.

  6. I would not reccomend doing this, due to safety, but if you want to do it like your step father did, try asking him =]. I know that you can teach your horse to do a little one from the ground =]

  7. As everyone has said, it is a VERY dangerous trick. I cannot stress the very dangerous part enough. I had a friend that taught her horse to rear on command, soon, her horse reared any time she pulled back.

    If you really want to know, talk to your friend's step-dad about it. He could probably enlighten you about it.

  8. I hate to be a part of the broken record here, but everyone is rather correct. It is a dangerous trick that can become a bad habit instantly. Why teach your horse to do something you want to discourage ? Especially while you're on top of him ? Not a good idea at all.

  9. Kick and pull, and pray to your God that you don't die.

  10. My cousin taught her horse do it just by kicking hard and pulling back at the same time, but you could tell that the horse really didn't like it. it hurts their mouth, actually.

    And soon, if you keep doing it, the horse will rear every time you pull back. That's what happened to my couisn, and she had to get a whole new horse because of it. I wouldn't recommend trying it.

  11. it takes a lot of training. The vveeeeery simplified explanation is a kick and pull back, but not the signal to back up a much rougher signal but as you get better it should be seamless and not rough at all... it think it's so cool!

  12. When pulling back on the reins kick and kiss the horse until the horse rears.

  13. i wouldnt reckomend teaching this trick, as we got a horse to sell for someone, they had taught it to rear by a slight movement of kicking him and pulling back at the same time, and it made him soo hard to sell on as he would do this very well and freak potential buyers off him as they would try him and he'd rear

    so if you ever want to sell him later, teaching a horse to rear is not a good idea

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