
How do you put a buy it now price on an object on ebay?

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How do you put a buy it now price on an object on ebay?




  1. When you put your listing on, just above the box for the price/s are your two options ie auction and buy it now.  If you want to have both an auction price and a buy it now price you select auction and it gives you both price boxes to complete.  If you just want auction you select auction above and then just enter a price in the auction box (left-hand box).  If you only want to put on a buy it now price you click on this above and then only one box appears and you enter your buy it now price.

    I've written the above from memory so I hope I've got it more or less right............................I use ebay a lot so I ought to have!

  2. It's simply one of the options on offer when you create an eBay listing.

    If the listing has already been created and there are no bids, you can edit the listing to add the "Buy it Now" option.

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