
How do you put backspin on a ball in pool?

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you know how they shoot a ball and then all of a sudden it comes back and knocks one in?

wll that is what i want to do. ive heard its rele hard but i dont care i want to learn it.

ps: video=best answer




  1. Krackle's right, but I would just add this: Make sure you get the cuestick's tip out of the way when the cue ball does back up.  To do that I would just be quick in the end of your hit, sort of like a snapping hit, along with the smooth move in the beginning as Krackle mentioned.

  2. I think you hit the cue ball  bottom center to get back spin.

  3. Points to note:

    1. cue below center.

    2. cue thru the cue ball, imagine you are trying to poke thru the cue ball.

    3. play with a loose-firm grip

    video link: courtesy of Dr Dave.

  4. Are you talking about draw or masse?  I don't think there are any good masse instructional videos out there, and I'd recommend not trying it too much without learning draw first, since it's pretty much just an elevated draw stroke.  But if you want to learn about it, you can check out these sites:

  5. All these  answers are right, it is called a draw but remember do not hit to low and  always chalk up  or you will most likly miscue..

  6. Just hit the cue ball below center (center being the half way point top to bottom when you are looking at it on the table) and stroke thew it.  It isn't hard, just make sure your cue is level and your stroke is nice and smooth.  Don't worry about making multipul balls untill you learn how to draw (backspin) the cueball first.  You must first learn to walk before you can run young grasshopper.

  7. Prop one end up with big books.  Shoot from the other end.  The ball will come right back to you.

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