
How do you put make up on 14 year girl?????????

by Guest66976  |  earlier

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i going to to 8 grade and i been changing alot this summer so i dont want to put make on on like every day just on speacail events and i want to look pretty for school cuase i been maked fun of and like soem every day tips like lip gloss and other stuff plzzz and thanks you




  1. Well, if you're just starting to wear makeup, here's what i'd suggest:

    1. tinted moisturizer. It's much more natural than foundation, and you can get it with spf.

    2. a little bit of blush for the apples of your cheeks.

    3. some eyeliner, maybe a light brown if you don't want it too dramatic.

    4. A really natural looking mascara. This stuff is awesome

    5. Lip gloss!!! Make sure it has spf in it.

    and make sure you're confident.

  2. If you want you can take a nice concealer (I use Mac) to hide blemishes, you don't have to put it on the entire face, just over the blemishes ONLY! Use a concealer brush not a sponge because a sponge will soak up the makeup therefore wasting it.

    Next use powder over the concealer, I use Physicians Formula which comes in a variety of colors that each has their own unique effect which ranges from skin tone evening to acne reducer (doesn't clog pores basically) the acne reducer one is Mineral Wear Talc-Free Mineral Face Powder Translucent Light. (It's beige).

    If you would like you can put some eyeliner on, I don't do that too often, but it's a popular look for eighth graders. Just don't go too dark and apply right on the lash line. If you want an evening look (for dinners etc) I use Urban Decay eyeliner, the colors are amazing! I also sometimes use H.I.P. it comes in a little glass container and the colors are extraordinarily brilliant! (But not overpowering if you put a little on)

    Next you can use some bronzer or blush. For this, take a brush and dust it onto the apples of your cheeks. To find the apples of your cheeks, smile, and apply on the part of your cheek that is round. Just don't go overboard, you want a little bit or else you'll look like a clown. But you don't really need blush, pale skin is a sign of healthiness. :D

    Lastly but certainly not least, lip gloss. You can go for a clear, or a pink and just apply to top and bottom lip, but just don't smack your lips together like you would lip stick.

    This should complete a look that will show off your natural beauty, but won't be overpowering. It looks really natural.

    What I do is just concealer, powder, and lip gloss.

    You'll look great!!! Good Luck in eighth grade!!

  3. well I am 14 years old too and what you should do it put on light concealer for zits then a tinted moisturizer to even your complexion,gives you SPF protection and moisturizer your skin. then put on lipgloss  and some  baby pink

    blush if your too pale if you want you want you can put on some mascara

  4. Here's what I do:  I use a cream foundation for the dark circles under my eyes and follow up with a translucent powder.  I do eyeshadow, brown eyeliner all the way across on top and halfway across on the bottom and then mascara.  I know it sounds like a lot but it takes like a max of 10 minutes.  Plus it's not over the top. It's pretty in a natural way. hope this helps:)  

  5. Well, what I do is wear a nice nice brown/beige on my eyes, and maybe even a light pink or a salmon. For my cheeks, I dab some pinks, light salmons, light browns, on my cheeks, and some cute lip gloss with a little bit of a shimmer. That's cute, but classy and fun. Hope I helped!

  6. Going into grade 8 can be a big change, but you shouldnt want

    to wear make up because others make fun of you.

    But, if you do want to wear it, just try some lip gloss, without color,

    and maybe a little bit of eyeliner or mascara, one or the other.

    Hope This Helped :)

  7. im 14 too but im going to high school

    :D when i wore make up i just put some eyeliner mascara

    every now and then you can wear lip gloss but i dont suggest everyday because it causes cancer donrt put too much because people are going to call you a s***k

    an dsome maybelline mineral powder if your skin is dull but if you have dry skin dont use it

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