
How do you put on eyemake up that looks egyptian?

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how do you make the line on top of the eye that looks egyptian? you put mascara on also?.if yes do you do top a nd bottom lashes?




  1. Lot's of black eyeliner and mascara.

    Maybe this link helps.

  2. liquid eyeliner. and yes, mascara, fake eyelashes would probably add to the effect. personally i just put it on the top lashes. i dont think it suits my eyes on bottom, but then again i don't wear my makeup to fit the Egyptian look.

  3. I saw a movie where they used black liquid eyeliner as the bottom (on lower and upper lid) then used gold or silver liquid eyeliner and put a small line in the middle of the black. So it will look like black, gold, black. Also extend the eyeliner out from your eye a little bit. Not a ton!! Just a tad to make your eyes look longer. I'd put a touch of mascara on. Just enough to color the lashes.

  4. you use liquid eyeliner on the top lid, making aslope round your eye shape then come out nearer the end of your eyelide make a flick as big or as small as you want, then draw a smaller line on the bottom lid starting from the flick inwards.

    you can use mascara also. hope you understand this its a bit hard to explain lol


  5. Put eyeliner on the bottom and around the inner-corners (try to get the underside of your eyelashes) then try a really thin, dark line on the top of your eyelashes. Then in the outer corner of your eyes bring the eyeliner out a little longer in a thin line, make it pretty short though.

    Putting on Gold, brown, and other warm colors of eyeshadow (before eyeliner) would also be nice (:

    Try a little mascara unless you want them really pumped. Get one that doesn't clump

  6. you put eyeliner on your bottom line and create a flick all the way over your top lid to make that egyptian line. then you put a thick line of eyeliner on your top lid, put metallic eye shadow, and put on a bit of mascara. dont overdo your mascara or you wont be able to see the eyeliner. :)

  7. i usually use eyeliner, and do it from the corner of the eye... BUT that's me! He he!

  8. Yes apply mascara to top and bottom lashes, when applying eyeliner to the top lid stretch your lid with one hand (as if your squinting) and draw the line  (black eyeliner) close to the eye lash line  

  9. ok first you get eye liner and put it on the top half of your eye and then make it go out to the side.

  10. I think that you should put heavy eye liner on the top eye lid, and bottom lid, and then draw a line that extends a 1/4 of the way to your ear, from the center of the eye. =D No mascara in my opionion.

  11. you have to make it hard and long at the end

    i am egyptian

  12. do a thick eyeliner line. black and flare out.

  13. The best way to acheive this effect is:

    1) Pull your eyelid up and line the inside rim of your eyelash line with black eyeliner to really define the lash line (skip this step if you have super sensitive eyes)

    2) Get a dark/black eye shadow (carbon from mac) and a skinny angle brush.

    3) Dip the angle brush in the eyeshadow and sweep it across your hand to experiment with the line. It should be dark and straight.

    4)Hold the skin by corner of your eye (by the temple) and stretch it out. This is will help you sweep the shadow on straight.

    5) Make sure your hand is steady and sweep the shadow in a smooth straight line as close to your lashline as possible.

    6) Once you reach the outside corner of your eye angle the brush slightly up so that it creates a "cats eye" effect

    7) Repeat with the other eye.

    Use two coats of black mascara on top and one coat on the bottom. Eqyptian is dramatic so you need the mascara!!! Good luck!  

  14. Look at a picture and try to trace it. Hope it helps.

  15. you can put mascara on but you can do a wing eye with eyeliner but bring the linre out farther more

  16. you don't.

  17. for that line on the top of your eyes, use liquid eyeliner and apply a thick line of it.

    for more of an egyptian look, try extending that line by making a little tail on the outer corner of your eyes =]

  18. gold eye shadow, painted eye liner-wing the ends of it, mascara on both lashes

  19. 1 Put on neutral eyeshadow (gold works really well the Egyptians liked gold.

    2 Put on a medium thickness of eye liner on the bottom (using liquid eyeliner works well).  Put it on three quarters from the inside and go outwards.   Keep following the line of your eye until you get to the bone right outside your eye.  On the top put on a medium thickness again.  Start from the inside and go outwards.  At the end of your eye go straight outwards towards the side of your face going on an slight angle.

  20. use gold eye shadow and make your eye liner curl at the corner of your eye.


  21. Use eyeliner(s) that matches your outfit, making it look very pronounced and curl at the corners of your eyes.

  22. I LOVE THIS QUESTION... Okay well use your black eyeliner and make it kind of slanted when you reach the end or your eye and if you want you could also use gold eyeliner. And yes use mascara, on the top AND bottom. Alright I hope this helps!

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