
How do you put on the ideal wristlock?

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OK- how do you put a wristlock on when:

1)You're shaking someone's hand and that someone has an iron grip and you grip like a girl

2) You're taking on some1 with bigger joints than you

I've tried a wristlock with some1 with bigger joints and it didn't work- the way I did it was: squeeze the gaps between the bones in the hand and the forearm bone,pull their arm away and try and push outwards anticlockwise- it didn't work!

I also tried when my hand was being crushed by my colleage @ work- i didn't have the strength to grip hand and push out anticlockwise! At the best I used momentum to TRY and throw his shoulder out anticlockwise but it didn't work!

I do kickboxing and these are my friends i'm fooling around with- it is useful to know a wristlock though.

How do you actually do it properly and how can you try it-i tried it with one hand on another and it didn't work (obviously)




  1. First of all messing around with wristlocks on your friends without proper training is inviting trouble in the form of dislocated wrists and crippling injuries. If you wanna learn, learn it from a qualified instructor. Secondly, wristlocks work better if you are applying it while you both are in motion and you are able to get your opponent off balance while applying it. It doesn't work if you're both standing motionless and there's no momentum, because it will only turn into an arm wrestling match, especially if the other guy is expecting it and has already tensed his arm to prevent you from applying the lock, this usually would lead to the two of you trying to use your muscles instead of technique to defeat the other and could lead to potential injury. Besides, the late Bruce Lee had a comment on this handshake wristlock scenario. He said something to the effect of: "Why bother going thru such a complicated and intricate movement to make the other guy let go of your hand when a simple left hook to the jaw will do?"

  2. As other people have said, keep the training in the classroom.  Doing otherwise could land you a lawsuit or send you to jail.  It seems like you answered your own question...  

    Opponent has iron grip like a girl.  Let's analyze this in a different way.

    Opponent hit's like Mike Tyson...  You hit like a pencil-neck weakling...

    See what I'm getting at.  If you are out-gunned in a certain area as you have claimed, you really have no business 'boxing with Tyson'.  In which case you should run.

    If you want to develop your submission ability, spend the next year dabbling in ju-jitsu.

  3. cm77 is correct, i too study Korean arts as well as kickboxing, and he has said it all for me.

  4. Like someone else said here, if you're facing a bigger,  stronger opponent,  it's probably not a good idea to go straight into a joint manipulation. You should surprise him first. When I'm restraining someone, I actually like to do it while I'm "interviewing" him. In other words, I get him distracted in conversation, close the distance, and snap on the lock. Also, It's easier to apply pain compliance when you have the other party trapped against the wall, or proned out on the ground. Especially when youre a smaller guy, like I am. Surprise and leverage boost the effectiveness of your lock.

  5. Several comments here:

    1) first there are times when even experienced martial artists know when it is better to us a different technique than to try to do one that is not likely to work on the attacker.

    2) You need to understand that the best way to do a wrist lock is to first stun or distract the attacker so that you can do the lock without having to use strength.

    3) When the attackers hands are much larger and or stronger if you must lock do a finger lock instead of a wrist lock.

    NOTE: As someone else said you should not be trying these on people outside the dojo.  When you are practicing in the dojo your training partner is not resisting the same way a person in the street would. when ever you try to do these on someone that does not do MA they are not going to cooperate. They will use their strength to make it difficult or impossible to lock their wrist.  WHAT you have to understand is to make the lock work you must be willing to slap or stun the other person hard enough so that they will not be able to use their strength to resist. Then you can lock the wrist.  I would not suggest you do that to anyone. It will just cause hard feelings or worse. Keep your practice in the dojo and under your sensei's instruction/correction.

  6. kick him in the nuts and then apply any lock you want.

    as crazy as that sounds its fairly true.

    the key to getting any lock is 1...not to actively go looking for it, but accept it if it comes into play and 2...hit the guy at least 1 or 2 times before you try the lock. ...even if they dont hurt or injure him....they distract him. they take his mind off of holding you so tight for a second or two.

    i never usually "look for" anything in particular. but accept what comes my way. reaching for something will get you in trouble.  a boxer doesnt say...ok im gonna go out there, slip the jab, duck under the cross and come over the top with a left hook...nope..he gonna knock this guy out!.

    basically any joint lock is simply bending or twisting a joint in the wrong direction...or over extending it in the right direction. bend your finger backward...instant joint lock.

    3 keys to anything according to my knowledge of jujutsu (if it can't be avoided altogether)

    1..distraction. be it a strike, or something else.

    2..balance...keep yours...take his...he is now are still strong.

    3..accept what happens..dont try too hard for any one technique.

    honestly though...if he's grabbing you...he just took away one of his weapons...why not leave it there? :)

  7. Take a martial arts that actually trains you to do joint manipulation. Take Ninjutsu, Kuntaw, Aikido, or Brazilian Ju Jitsu.

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