
How do you put song and pictures into a PSP?

by  |  earlier

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yes i am trying to put songs and some pictures into my brother's PSP but it does not seem to work and i dont know how to put it in. You would be a big help thanks.




  1. First download whatever music you want to save to your PSP. You can use CD's, MP3's , or if you already have your music saved to your computer that's even better. If your music is already on your computer and it's in MP3 format you can skip this section and go down to the Window's Media Player section. If your music is on your PC, but not in MP3 format then keep reading.

    Now before we begin if you don't have MMJukebox then goto the website listed above. At the home page there is option to get the 'Jukebox now'. After you choose that option it asks if you want to get Jukebox 10. It's only 19.95 but if you want it for free there is an option to get the regular one on that page. The regular Jukebox works, but 10 is so much faster. Instead of waiting 10 minutes to download and convert, it's now done in about 5. Open your Music Match Jukebox and follow these steps:

    • Go up to the options menu and in the Converter field choose the MP3 format.

    • Go back to the options menu and now choose the Quality and the size that you want your music to be. I choose Radio 64kkps. It's not as good as CD quality, but unless you're listening to your music through headphones, or just want everyone who's sitting about 40 feet away from you to here the music, you won't miss the difference.

    • Place your music CD into your computer and select record from CD, music device, etc. The playlist will come up and you can uncheck any of the songs you don't want to download. If you're connected online when you do this, all the cd's and artist informaiton will come up and ask you to choose which ablum you just inserted. Choose the first correct choice. In the end you will get a special reward for doing this. Now select copy music.

    If your music is already on your computer, but not in MP3 format, you can go to file and choose the converter option. 2 boxes will pop up and you will be able to choose what kind of music files you want to convert and what format you want to convert them to.

    • Once your music is downloaded into your Jukebox libary you can choose the option of downloanding your music to your PSP. I choose to go the next step with the Windows Media Player for faster results and more options.

    ***This is taken directly from this website

  2. Get any song , With Format MP3, If you want to play Format of WAV then you have to connect a WiFi Connection with your PSP system and explore the setting menu there will be Play WaV file then the PSP will connect to the most Suitable Wifii Connection..when it will be it will open a webpage on the PSP system , and then you can close and enjoy WAV songs Format on your PSP!

    To put a Song or picture into a PSP system you have to Connect USB cable with PSP System and Select Connect USb on the PSP , it will then open a Dialouge BOX on the Computer there you click on View Files, When you will click on View files a normal window will be opened and it will have many folders Like PSP , MUSIC, PICTURE etc..... If you want to put a Song then Click on the MUSIC folder and put the Song there by Clicking on the song and Press ( ctrl+c) it will be just copied to the clipboard, then goto the desired PSP location like (MUSIC, PICTURES) and copy the file there by pressing (ctrl+v)  when you will press this it will be copied to the PSP , if you're Putting a Music file then Paste it on the Music Folder , if you're Putting a Picture then paste it in the PSP Pictures Folder, when it will be copied ! Take your psp and press "O" or anyother Key to go back to the PSP menu,when you will click it will show you the PSP menu as always, if you have uploaded a Song goto the Music Icon , if you have uploaded a Picture then Click on the Picture icon. It will show you the Uploaded pictures! Enjoy the Media Files and your PSP!

    Haider Jamil

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