
How do you put the energy into a battery?

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How do you put the energy into a battery?




  1. Depends on the battery.

    Storage batteries (car, cell phone, etc.) are charged from a power source.

    Chemical batteries (flashlight, AA, AAA, B, C, D) become batteries due to chemical action of the contents when they are assembled.

  2. A car battery for example is made up of a series of plates 1/2 of which are connected to the positive the others to the negative post. electrons can travel through the water / acid solution that bathes them.  You introduce a counter voltage, (against) the direction that the electrons normally flow and basically push them into one of the sets of plates. This leaves one set of plates with more electrons than the other set. when you connect the terminals together by placing a load (like a light bulb) between them the electrons flow until there is an approximately equal number in both plates , and the battery is "dead", Repeat the process to charge it again.Oversimplified, but correct in concept.

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