
How do you put up vids on 360 blog?

by Guest55986  |  earlier

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from youtube or




  1. 1. Find video from u tube

    2. copy embed code

    3. Go to your edit blog

    4. check the html box

    5. paste embed code in blog area

    6. post this entry

    7. finished

  2. The trouble with that is that you need to post a script onto your blog page, and most blog sites, whether it's Yahoo 360 or Blogger or WordPress, will automatically strip out anything that looks like a script, for security reasons.

    Your best bet? (1) find a free web host (one without ads would be nice), (2) install software that lets you blog (the good ones are all 100% free - Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, etc).

    Of course, then you lose the ability to easily link from your Yahoo Answers profile, if that's an issue. However, you can still blog on both, and set up an RSS feed in your Yahoo 360 so that your posts to your "other" blog show up there too. Kind of like what I did on mine (though I have no videos)...

    Here's a step-by-step tutorial I wrote on how to get a WordPress blog up and running on a free hosting site (just log in as a guest to have a peek)...

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