
How do you?????????????

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how do you invoke a spirit





    In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi.

    In the Name of Satan, Ruler of the Earth, True God, Almighty and Ineffable, Who hast created man to reflect in Thine own image and likeness, I invite the Forces of Darkness to bestow their infernal power upon me. Open the Gates of h**l to come forth to greet me as your Brother/Sister and friend.

    Deliver me O Mighty Satan from all past error and delusion, fill me with truth, wisdom and understanding, keep me strong in my faith and service, that I may abide always in Thee with Praise, Honor and Glory be given Thee forever and ever.

    Drink from Chalice

    Take your Athame, turning counterclockwise at each of the 4 points, Invoke the 4 Crown Princes of h**l:

    Satan/Lucifer from the East

    Beelzebub from the North

    Astaroth from the West

    Azazel from the South

    This is now the height of your ritual where you read your prayer to Father. When you are finished, light the paper in the flame of your candle and place it in your silver bowl to burn. Now is the time for meditation and focus.

    After the meditation is when you should talk to Father one on one. After this, more prayers can be said. You can pray during this time in Enochian, either with the Enochian key(s) of your choice, or prayers of your own.

    We are all individual and have our own ways of ritual and worship. I prefer to kneel, as I worship Satan. Very early on, this was given to me by the Demons, and also a close friend had the same experience; to kneel out of respect, but this is between you and Father.

    At the end of your ritual close with a HAIL SATAN!! Turn clockwise and ring the bell.

  2. Why would you want to? It's a dangerous thing, you know.

  3. If you have no idea, then you should probably not be trying. Even if you could, it's a rather dangerous ritual. And different for different cultures, spirits, etc.


    That is a bastardization of a much less harmful ritual, and a much less harmful religion. People like you is why people like me are hated. Thanks.

  4. Try salvia. If you go into it wanting to invoke a spirit, maybe you will. Make sure someones watching you that isnt doing salvia or you might Invoke that spirit too far, and end up on a plane to Iraq with a lollipop in your ***...

  5. make a decision to do some good act & do it.

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